Thursday, March 30, 2006 CHEWIE!! OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHATTA WOOKIEE!!Oh man. Chewbacca by Supernova (Featured in the movie Clerks) just cracks me up. But just to set the record straight, Weird Al did NOT sing that song! And Clerks X: 10th Anniversary Edition DVD set rocks so hard. I love that movie. And speaking of movies. Ugh. I have to come up with the plan for my final film soon! :( Like, by tomorrow or day after! >___< Muse...Now... Viv wished for the moon @ 11:33 PM Sunday, March 26, 2006 Remember, remember, the fifth of November.Saw it. Adored it. Still thinking about it. Ohhhh man. There's nothing not to like about V for Vendetta. It is officially my favourite movie of the year. Viv wished for the moon @ 7:04 PM Friday, March 24, 2006 W00tThis is me not doing my essay! God I'm tired, I got 3 hours of sleep and I've seen enough on transnationalism and globalization to last me a long long time. Sleeeeep Viv wished for the moon @ 1:32 PM Wednesday, March 22, 2006 It's official -- I am immune to coffee. I can have one of those large sized ones with hardly any milk or sugar and I can still fall dead asleep right smack in the middle of the campus centre pub. Ugh.TIME TO SEARCH FOR NEW STIMULANTS or else essays will never get done. Though I suspect a lot of it is a question of will. If I ont want to do an essay badly enough, I can switch my brain off and tell my eyelids to start drooping, and then convince myself that I'm sleepy and getting a good night's rest is more important than staying up late to write a paper for which the grades don't matter all that much, but still end up sleeping at 3 anyway because I figured since I was about to sleep I might as well chill out and bum around online/on MSN. I don't know about you but I'm starting to see a trend here. Hmm. Blogging from the public stand-up terminal at the pub now. Time for a tall cuppa as I get down and jiggy with my Global Studies notes. And who knows I might just start writing it tonight! Whee! In other news, still looking for people to watch V for Vendetta. By gum, if nobody's going to go I'm still going to make the trip down on my own if I have to. Not gonna leave before watching it. On an interesting note I wonder if Alan Moore secretly keeps DVDs of all the adaptations of his graphic novels. I wonder if he's snuck out to the theatre to catch V for Vendetta even though he's disowned the project completely. I wonder if he's kicking himself for acknowledging League of Extraodinary Gentlemen, which was el crap, and for ditching Vendetta which sounds so much more promising, or whether he's too weird and eccentric and thinking about his next project to really bother. Mm. Right, coffee time. *scoots* Viv wished for the moon @ 9:19 PM Oh Mama. After watching the trailer online, I have to Have To HAVE TO watch V for Vendetta. Hopefully I can find takers for Friday night... Viv wished for the moon @ 2:26 AM Tuesday, March 21, 2006
...Full of bees? ** So if you haven't said HI to Berle already, do so! He's snuffling around, looking for a loose scrap of greeting to nibble on so he can make little response poops in his cage just for you. And we all know how much we love a good response poop, so get with the feedin' already! That's an order! Well, no. A plea! A rejoinder! A fedora! Take your pick! I like fedora. So I'm feeling utterly random today. And weirdly happy. Despite essay due on Friday and Rough cut for montage due around then, as of right now, 7.38pm, I am a happy girl. For absolutely no reason, or perhaps every reason. Take your pick! I don't know but I just felt like ending like this ZOMG HI MSN PLS LETS BE FRINEDS Wheee (Happiness begets randomness.) Viv wished for the moon @ 7:36 PM Berle You have to be very bored, or very distracted from work that's due really soon, to adopt a virtual pet. And coincidentally that's what I am. Anyway, long years after Plato my red blob mysteriously disappeared into the gif-oblivion from which he came, the void has been filled! *points down the sidebar* Meet Berle, the kosher hedgehog. X) Viv wished for the moon @ 9:11 AM Sunday, March 19, 2006 Thanks, ladies, for rocking my week.Now take New York by storm! Much love. And y'all better be home this summer. XP ** Otherwise, the weather continues to be charming, and I continue to be chugging for far too many hours on the catch-up-on-homework train. Guh. I wish I could make myself care less about work -- THE GRADES DON'T COUNT, DAMMIT -- but I don't know. I think I derive personal satisfaction from a job done to the best of my ability, even if it doesn't count. I think I'm not thick skinned enough not to be ashamed at shoddy work. :/ Which means I'll just acquire high blood pressure and be dead at 55, but at least given my type A complex I'll take lotsa time before then to plan a rawkin' excellent funeral with dancing midgets and stone-abbed pallbearers in nothing but swimming trunks. So now it's time to hope you made the guestlist, monkeyboys and girls. Work calls very belligerently. I have no choice but to answer. Viv wished for the moon @ 12:09 PM Thursday, March 16, 2006 The beauty of the public domainIs that everything you put up here is fair game. Anybody from anywhere can find out. And you know what? I don't care. X) Anyhow new art for Sganimez competition. Half-assed colouring but it's better than drawing nothing at all. Check it out on my devart. And Janice and Karin are here...good times have returned! Except I have an essay due tomorrow, and two other projects due next week. Life alternates between good and suck. Viv wished for the moon @ 9:29 AM Saturday, March 11, 2006 From the notebook.Montreal, Canada. Starbucks Coffee, Rue Saint-Catherine, 11/3/06, 12.05pm John Mayer and Dave Matthews Band on the MP3 player. Java Chip Frappucino. The city walking by outside. No rush. No need for words. Late-morning solitude. Right about now, I smile and ache for life. This is contentment; I am happy. Not much of a diaryist but I feel compelled to write this. I need the poetry in life the pictures the musicians and the artists to weave songs of verbalvisual music to accompany my life that give the young something to dream for to live their lives to and together we'll be gone *** Mmm. I wish they had Pumpkin Spice Latte at Starbucks at home. ** Things have improved, definitely. I've found the best defence sometimes is just silence, pure and simple. It doesn't involve a lot of work, either. Which is good. Skiing at Mont Tremblant left me awfully tired and so sore that I almost couldn't get up the next morning, and since then I've not been in the mood for comebacks (and hopefully, neither has she). Blast it all, trains of thought running in all directions leading nowhere. Time for late-afternoon nap. Viv wished for the moon @ 1:18 PM Tuesday, March 07, 2006 Oh, Canada!Greetings from Mount Tremblant (and that's Trom-Blont for the non Frenchies out there), Montreal, Canada. :) One hour internet access and the clock is ticking, plus this keyboard is tough as anything to pound out words on. So this won't be terribly long. All in all, I've had no problems with Canada as a place. I love it. Toronto is like New York, only less chaotic but just as organic and vibrant. Wouldn't mind working there sometime. But the people I'm travelling with is another matter altogether. Don't get me wrong, they're friends -- for the most part anyway. I just feel kinda left out on the periphery of stuff and I don't know how to get back into the flow of it. When I say something, I either get ignored or I get a snide comeback from a particular member of our group -- I guess it's this person who's making the whole trip an uncomfortable experience for me, and most of the time I feel better separated from the group (like when we went shopping yesterday) if only because I don't have to deal with this person at all. And I've become disappointed with some people too,thanks to this trip. I've expected more of them but it's not happening. Maybe I was wrong to expect anything at all...and maybe (probably) my attitude's not quite right. But I'm just finding it so hard to really feel comfortable and enjoy myself with this group, and I've been trying. Was on the verge of tears once yesterday after that particular group member I dislike said something rather mean to me, and that nobody seems to realize what this person is doing. I felt helpless, small. I wish I knew how to fight back better. Or should I persist in just turning the other cheek and taking shit from her (Yes, I've come out and said it, it's a her, and she's a queen bee, and she stings hard)? Nobody gets sniped at in the group the way I do. *shrug* Always been a target for the queen bee sort, so I gues it's nothing I'm not used to. But doesn't mean I like, LOVE it to bits or something. Normally, in school, it didn't bug me (or was she like that already to me, and I just never realized?) but now that we're all out in the wilds together, all sorts of things are surfacing; all sorts of truths are coming into sharp relief, and I'm not sure I'm liking how the chips are falling around me. This is supposed to be a week of fun. Unfortunately, it's turning into a week of social survival. Please do pray for me, to have the wisdom and maturity to take all this in my stride. Be home on Sunday evening, and I do hope I'll have more positive reports of my trip by then. (But doesn't change the fact that Toronto is most beautiful.) Viv wished for the moon @ 1:03 PM Thursday, March 02, 2006 Comicon! It was a great weekend for me...Comicon itself wasn't too well organized, the crowd was killer on Saturday, but I think just being there among the excitement was enough for me. Plus I met some great people at the Hostel, and we had fun and hung out...simply being in New York, the experience of being out there (more or less) on my own...there was a certain wonder about it that I think I'll cherish for a long time. I just caved and got onto Facebook as well *hides head in shame*, but the only benefit that's come out of it so far is that it was so easy to post up my photos from the trip. So you can find the album and commentary here! (As a bonus, there's also an album of shots taken by my dad, documenting my departure. They were kinda sad to view, but they were nice to have as well, so at least I can show my foreign friends a slice of Singaporean life. Enjoy!)In other news, my jeans really did shrink in the dryer. I'm rather upset. I know it can't be that I've gained weight, because I'm starting to feel bones in places I never felt them before (pelvis, ribs, wrists). It's funny, I was so scared of gaining weight when I was here and it just seems I'm getting skinnier and skinnier. It's not like I've been depriving myself of food either -- on the contrary I've been eating a lot, and it's all been pizza and all that shizzle that's bad for you. :/ Maybe it's my newfound liking for normal coffee (not the Frappe kind) that's helping. Does it increase metabolism or anything like that? Anyhow, back to jeans. Yeah I'm upset. I rather like wearing loose jeans, which help me avoid the cupcake problem (ergo, fat bulging out the top of waistband of pants) and in general allow for more comfort while eating. But ah well. Lesson learned. NO MORE DRYER. Uninspired writing indeed. I have a report due tomorrow and here I am, blogging. But just to give notice again, next week I'll be up north in the land of the Canucks, for Spring break! Then Jan and Karin are coming the week after and 3 days of fun we shall have. Life is good. :D And Spring is coming! The days are growing longer, even though it's been snowing and snowing today. Snow knee deep, and you know it's never a good sign when the snow plough guys give up on clearing the roads because the snow juuust keeps a comin'... Viv wished for the moon @ 9:59 PM |
![]() Thing of the day
![]() Head in the clouds Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.