Saturday, November 30, 2002 Man...have to resort to cramming a whole lot of posts on the main page, I apologize. It's the only way to save my precious backlogs! *wails*Toodle Pip. Viv wished for the moon @ 2:05 AM Man!!!! Brudder Wenyu! You suck lah, congrats on SATs! I am spreading to the world your genius, 1500 for SATs, woot!!!! ^_^ Viv wished for the moon @ 1:58 AM Dammit, finding a new skin is such hard work...can't decide what to choose at all! At any rate, I hope getting a new template will rescue my archives from being chomped alive. I hate the state of my archives, all my next-to-recent entries have been obliterated...and I can't find any way to rescue them!!!:( *goes back to searching* Viv wished for the moon @ 1:25 AM What the hell's wrong with my archives??? What happened to the entire month of October?! *shriek* Viv wished for the moon @ 12:49 AM Bach from the Dead. Yes ladies and menfolk, Vivienne's alive! Spent the whole of the last five days at the Government Investment Corporation (for the uninitiated among ye, it's where the government sends its foreign reserves for overseas investment, ta da) , on a JC1 orientation programme. It's basically a package designed to get us bright youngsters (preen preen) interested in a career in fund management and foreign investment and all that, and I feel it really was a well organized programme and overall a pretty good experience. That being said however, I don't think it's my cup of tea at all. Sure, it's a cushy job and all that, but to put it bluntly, it looks BORING. Then again, that's an outsider's point of view...perhaps in its own way, the work is interesting, just that the talks and seminars didn't get to those bits, choosing only to provide an overview that just grazes the surface. I'll admit though, that the special projects and real estate departments sound interesting. At least you get to do field survey and things, and you don't just stay sedentary in a little cubicle and click mouse buttons till lunch. Me no likee. But well, that was a lively week of interesting company (the JC bunch I was with was nice :) ), good lunches (ok, enough lunch...Maxwell food centre and International Plaza), free snacks (morning and afternoon tea always provided, and a constant flow of coffee and tea all day), funky gadgets (we got to use Bloomberg news terminals!), Starbucks (there was one on the ground floor of the GIC building, yum), horrible blisters (2 pairs of shoes 2 days in a row, and terrible skin welts all round! Evil! >:( Had to run around in stockinged feet.), frigid air-conditioning (insert your own comment here), and last of all, 2 days of bloody hectic project preparation!!! 2 days to do an EIC top-down analysis (all this jargon makes me feel so smug *smug*'s basically where you first analyse the Economy, the Industry in question and finally the Company of choice) on City Development Limited and decide whether we would buy, hold or sell their shares. We had to get a whole monster truck of research done, plus a spiffy powerpoint presentation completed, plus speak for 8 minutes a person and take questions from a board of assessors! *_* But it turned out alright in the end. We kinda crashed to the finish, but we were all very relieved to see the end of it. And it was vaguely fun too, strangely enough. Well, fun's what you make of it. :) How to end this entry nicely? No idea. Oh, I got it. *evil grin* Congratulations, you know who, for finally finding your way to Vivienne's merry blog! Here, have a banana, courtesy of the house.>:) *runs* Viv wished for the moon @ 12:24 AM Sunday, November 17, 2002 Gratuitous smut art alert!I'm not quite sure what got into me, but there we have it. I guess I was thinking about John Donne when I drew this; you know, the metaphysical literary genius and his superego, the pretty lady who inspires his randy (well the vast majority of it is) love poetry...and I just wondered what the woman's view of it all was. So here it is. Meep. There is nudity, so view at your own discretion, and don't say I didn't warn ya, the virgin-eyed among ye. Look, Vivvy's a bad girl! :P The Agony and the Ecstacy: It sucks to be a muse! *** Dum de dum. How poopy. We're moving house next month, out of the house I practically grew up in. I've lived here over 10 years and for 10 years every night I've fallen asleep to the sounds of traffic outside my window. It's a comforting stream of noise, reminding me that there's a world out there, and yet giving me the feeling of being cozily ensconced in a bubble. Occasionally if I crack my eyes open I'll see the headlamps go flashing by, red, white and yellow, activity that continues even into the wee hours of the morning. For a brief while they used to remind me of UFO lights, and I imagined for a while the delicious horror of having a flying saucer hovering outside my window, and me waking up inside the mothership. I'm a weird kid. Yes, but that aside, yeah. I think the biggest thing I'll miss about this house is the sounds of the traffic at night. I find it hard to sleep when it's too quiet, and I have a feeling that's just what it'll be at our new place. Cuz believe it or not, we're moving to the house just across the street. Now before you burst out in disbelief, saying "That's absolutely stupid!" you have to understand that our family loves this district, and not only that, the owner of that house wants to sell, and he's an old family friend. Plus, his unit is roomier and a little larger than ours, so all in all it's a move I'm fairly comfortable with, all things considered. But the back of the house faces the graveyard behind, and that's what my bedroom will overlook. You have to understand, I'm not scared of graveyards. I spent 10 years with one at my doorstep, and I can attest to never having experienced anything vaguely paranormal (unless you count the time when our doorbell kept ringing on its own, which eventually was found out to be just a problem with water leaking into the circuits. Ha!). But what I don't think I'll be very accustomed to is the quietness at night, the same quietness that prevents me from going to sleep easily. Then again, one can get used to anything, given time. So. I'll just give it time. In the interrim though, before we make that final move, my parents want to do renovation work on the house, so we're gonna have to make a transitionary move to someplace else. It's a nice enough house we're gonna be temporarily stationed in, but I hope it's not too far from the main road. Last thing I want is to have to traipse half a a mile to a bus stop. Horrid. And I hope when we make the Big Move to our new house, we don't move too late into next year. I want to concentrate on studying for A levs, not pushing around boxes and shuttling back and forth between houses. Bleah. 9_9 Not having moved for over a decade has made me a complete newbie to the rituals of house moving. I've been told I can't bring all of my nostalgic junk along with me, so I am faced with the terrible task of having to throw out things. Stay tuned for more heart-wrenching drama to come. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:45 PM Saturday, November 16, 2002 Sleep...sleep...blessed rest...*yawns* Viv wished for the moon @ 6:48 AMI'm so full, and I need sleep...*burp* Horrible to be so full! Word of the day: Dilatory. Habitually late. Viv wished for the moon @ 6:47 AM Thursday, November 14, 2002 Big Yellow Taxi::Joni Mitchell:: They paved paradise And put up a parking lot With a pink hotel, a boutique And a swinging hot spot Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot They took all the trees Put 'em in a tree museum And they charged the people A dollar and a half just to see 'em Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot Hey farmer farmer Put away the D.D.T. now Give me spots on my apples But leave me the birds and the bees Please! Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot Late last night I heard my screen door slam and a big yellow taxi Took away my old man Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot I said don't it always seem to go that you dont know what you've got Till it's gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot They paved paradise And put up a parking lot They paved paradise And put up a parking lot Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps (Quizas Quizas Quizas) ::Doris Day:: You won't admit you love me and so How am I ever To know You always tell me Perhaps perhaps perhaps A million times I've asked you and then I ask you over Again You only answer Perhaps perhaps perhaps If you can't make your mind up We'll never Get started And I don't wanna wind up Being parted Broken-hearted So if you really love me Say yes But if you don't dear Confess And please don't tell me Perhaps perhaps perhaps Perhaps perhaps perhaps Perhaps perhaps perhaps Perhaps perhaps perhaps Viv wished for the moon @ 5:17 AM Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Addressing the Void.If I died tomorrow Would you care? Viv wished for the moon @ 10:48 PM Parking Attendants and other hazards to Life and Limb. Today I accompanied my mother to the Bukit Merah Library to watch a storytelling session. She signed up as a volunteer with the library and will also be telling stories to kiddies, so this was a watch-n-learn experience for her. As I watched I ended up revisiting childhood, all those times I sat in the audience and listened and was amazed that people could tell stories like that. Then I learned to do it too, and now, so many years down the road, I can watch with new eyes. This storyteller was not bad, she knew the techniques and tools of the trade, obviously well-trained. But I felt she lacked that charisma, that spark that keeps children captivated, that can make even a teenager like me be completely drawn into the tale she's telling. Or maybe I'm just getting old (old being relative, but you know what I mean.). But when I see that storyteller with the magic glitter sprinkles, I will know. And she, or he, is the consummate storyteller. Hee hee but that being said we had a rather amusing run in with the Parking Attendant. Our parking was overdue, and we knew as we rushed out of the library and headed for the car that if the Parking Attendant noticed she'd swoop down on us with a ticket. Sure enough, as we rounded the bend 50m off we saw the dreaded SHE walking purposefully towards our car. So we raced her to it, literally. Did a desperate dash across the carpark, bags flying, waving our arms, and tromping along at full speed. 2m to go and we caught up with her, overtook her, while my mum cried, "We're going, we're going!" The unflappable Parking Attendant was nonplussed as she changed course and wandered off to find some other hapless car owner, and mummy and I got laughed at by a truckful of workers nearby. I was mildly indignant at being caught doing something so undignified, but I'll admit, it was funny. Hee. An amusing interlude, and we all had a good laugh. :) Dum de dum. Viv wished for the moon @ 9:13 AM Monday, November 11, 2002 Once a player, always a player.Sometimes I don't know if you're aware how much you kill me. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:26 AM Sunday, November 10, 2002 In the eye of the beholder.My mummy is pretty. So was my grandmother, her mother, when she was young, before she started getting fat and all. And apparently her mother was reknowned for being very beautiful back in Hong Kong. Now this fine lineage of three generations of beautiful women sashays down the line and ends up at myself, new daughter of the clan. Oh dear. I have quite a bit to live up to. Then again, genes is genes man! Am I a gone case? Can Vivienne ever hope to have a pint of those raving good looks that could sink tall ships (or set them erect, depending which way you look at it...*ahem*) and make people stare? And why won't she stop being so darned superficial? Stay tuned to find out, monkeys!! But I'm quite content with my appearance. I know I'm no raving beauty, but I believe I am attractive, even pretty from some angles. Not chio, not stunning, not enough to stop traffic, but enough to perhaps make you look up twice when I pass you by. That satisfies me well enough; can't everyone be a glamour girl or a Helene of Troy. The rest of us mortals have to figure out some devices of our own. However I feel more than half of it lies in not so much my appearance, but my personality and manner. Unless you know me, or have spoken to me before, I could pass you a hundred times along a corridor and you'd never look up at me more than...uh, twice. :P I've been told I could charm the pants off a panel full of judges, and I point to a certain archness of temper, a teasing playful attitude, a tendency toward mercurial behaviour (which would encompass mood swings I suppose...the flip side of the coin, but I'll take it) and a definite clown temperament. I enjoy making people laugh, and I enjoy being made to laugh. Besides that, I'm a big tough girl, I tie my own shoelaces and everything. :) (Is this all an elaborate pickup scheme? You decide. :P) Viv wished for the moon @ 8:34 PM Fire in the Hole! Great...just came up with an idea for our faculty's Drama Feste Script, and I have slightly over 12 hours to produce it. Help!!! *Squeak* Anyway. Art for th' masses. ![]() Saturday, November 09, 2002 Finally, a chance to blog! I tried to yesterday, but the computer kept hanging and I was out of doors the whole of today. Went bowling after breakfast, and I suck. :/ Ok, I'm alright, I do land the occasional gutterball but for the most part I can average around 6 or 7 pins per turn. There are also the fluke strikes and spares, which I always end up wasting because my following shots are awful, for some reason or other. *_*I am SO glad Chinese is over. It was trickier than I thought, and I have no idea how I'll do but thank God it's over! Next up, Will this ever stop?! *writhe* *Reads some random silly girl's blog on the net* *Bursts out laughing* Honestly! But I guess search engines are useful things, help increase site traffic and the like. Perhaps I should key in a list of oft-searched for terms in here to enhance this blogs' prominence in web searches. So! Here goes. The ultimate duh: HCJC (God Bless Hwa Chong!) and... Disney Animation Comics Porn Sex Animation Art Vivienne Wong Hui Wen RGS RGPS Elephants The Beatles Blog Blog Angst Anger Crush Britney Spears... Ah hah, sneaky and brilliant, eh? Right, that's a comprehensive enough list. Now, let's get it on! New art to come. Stay tuned, folks. But I've got other stuff to do right now...argh!!! Will the procrastination ever end?! Just you wait, I'll prove you wrong! I don't procrastinate...much. Yeah, um, wait and see! Frim Fram Sauce ::Diana Krall:: I don't want french fried potatoes, Red ripe tomatoes, I'm never satisfied, I want the Frim Fram sauce with the ausanfey, With shififah on the side I don't want pork chops and bacon, That won't awaken my appetite inside, I want the Frim Fram sauce with the ausanfey, With shififah on the side Well, you know, a girl has really got to eat And a girl, she should eat right Five will get you ten I'm gonna feed myself right tonight I don't want fish cakes and rye bread, You heard what I said, waiter please serve mine fried I want the Frim Fram sauce with the ausanfey, With shififah on the side I pointed out to a friend who likes Diana Krall some time ago that on her music videos (MTV sounds so popsy, so teenybopper! Can her music classify?!) she makes faces between the lines of her songs. He has yet to forgive me for plying his head with strange images. Neeheeheehee. Good Luck to the JC2s islandwide sitting for the Terrible Rite of Passage otherwise known as the A-Level Examinations next week! It'll be over...soon enough. :) Just like a trip to the dentist; no matter how many syringes of Novocaine he bursts into the roof of your mouth, you know by the Powers-that-Be you'll emerge from the room alive, in...all eventuality. >;P *ducks* Quack. Viv wished for the moon @ 2:26 AM Thursday, November 07, 2002 ![]() What's Your Bedroom Personality? (For Her) brought to you by Quizilla
That does it. I'm staying off quizzes for another long time!! Viv wished for the moon @ 5:14 AM
![]() What Color Eyes Should You Have? brought to you by Quizilla Cuute. What a reintroduction to quizzes. *_* ![]() I'm Jean Grey What X-Men Character are You? Ditto. *_* *_* Viv wished for the moon @ 5:13 AM Mike Test. No, I am not plying a fellow named Michael with a quiz of my own making, I am conducting a little equipment check. Um. Haha, Vivvy's joke of the day. *runs away from a barrage of rotten eggs* AO tomorrow! I felt, for wont of a more fitting phrase, damn sian studying today, which is bad I suppose. I realized I have the attention span of a young chimp, quickly bored and easily distracted. I could comfort myself by perhaps saying that I get tired of studying so quickly because I already know my work, but that's a juvenile complacent attitude, I know. While it could in fact be true (and frankly in spite of everything I do believe there is a modicum of validity to my postulation), it doesn't do well to go into the exam so cocksure, just in case you ultimately bomb the paper and be massively whacked in the ass for it. That kind of bashing is the worst of all, and if just to ensure that your ego emerges none the worse for wear, best to tone down th' attitood, go in and do as best you can, and have no regrets, really. I realize the best motivation for me is to imagine how much studying the rest of my class is doing, get scared that I'm being so slothful and therefore sit down to work for at least a few hours. Good enough for moi. Man. *picks through inbox* You know, I really hate it when people send around "fwd: Very toucHIng!! Pls reAD :~)" mails that end with this ultimatum: "You can do two things with this story: a) You can pass it on and let others be touched by its message, or b) You can delete it and not let it touch your heart." Oh, so you could be a weepy blubbering bleeding heart and gratuitously forward a 200kb mail bogged down with the names of previous senders and recepients (which you don't even have the common sense to delete off to save space, owing to the outburst of emotion in your soul) to everyone you know, including your great grand aunt twice removed whom you haven't spoken to for at least 4 years, and thereby annoy half the recepients by clogging up their mailboxes. But hey, you'll show yourself to be a person of terrific empathy and warmth and fuzzy happiness. Alternatively, ooh, you can be a stonehearted reptile and cruelly send it to the trash can. Practically speaking, it just takes up too much darn space in your account. But oh gasp and horror, what kind of unfeeling cynical soul are you?! Fie on thee, who dareth to send such a touching anecdote to such a horrible inferno as the trash bin, although in doing so you will allow much more space for other such "touching messages" to be sent thy merrie way in future! You will be trampled by raging elephants till your eyes pop out, sinner! Grossly generalizing and dividing up the entire world into those who forward such things and those who don't, and putting tags on them proclaiming them either to be greenpeace activists or filthy capitalist swine (equivalent thereof) respectively is rather puerile and only encourages perversity. I for one, am proud to chose option b) every single time. *smiles with glee and sends another one to the trash* Just policy. Simply put, I don't do weepy e-mails, man. Live with it, cutie pies. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:50 AM Wednesday, November 06, 2002 Ode to J1I'M GONNA MISS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *wails incoherently* (more to follow) That being said, it didn't feel like the last day of school for a lot of us today. Possibly because we'll be going back to school so much during the holidays anyway that there doesn't seem to be much difference. The school is an inextricable part of our collective existence. Deep eh? The countdown to AO: T-minus 2 days, and counting... Meow. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:07 AM Tuesday, November 05, 2002 Oh yes, Happy Belated Diwali! :)(edited for accuracy's sake!) Viv wished for the moon @ 6:01 AM Can I be a complete asshole here and crow that I didn't study very much for Econs? Um, no? Okay. *runs and hides* Joke. I did study very very hard for that subject. I'm so glad it paid off. :) Viv wished for the moon @ 5:58 AM Feel like a bum today. Blah blah blah, bum bum bum. Bored. Shit, Chinese this Friday. On the upside though, I have been completely stunned, and taken by delightful surprise. A for Economics! Ironically the subject I so believed I'd fail turns out to be the only A on my report card. God has a sense of humour. *grins* Viv wished for the moon @ 5:57 AM Mistletoe is deadly if you eat it But a kiss is even deadlier if you mean it Viv wished for the moon @ 5:54 AM Sunday, November 03, 2002 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,Tune my heart to sing Thy grace; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above. Praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love. Here I raise mine Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I’m come; And I hope, by Thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wand'ring from the fold of God; He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. O to grace how great a debtor Daily I’m constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here’s my heart, Lord, take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above. --Robert Robinson Viv wished for the moon @ 8:14 AM Mmmm, I be tired. And my eyes itch. Itchy itchy itchy!!!! A mix of good and bad the past few days. I've been high, yes. Very happy. But at the same time something awful has happened to a dear friend. The intensity of feeling is the complete antithesis, almost an equal measure in the other direction, of that which I had already felt prior to this. Joy and anger. Potent stuff. All the same though, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of tingly warmth. Ok, Chinese AO and awful happening to friend aside. I'm happy. Geez, I'm a sucker. But a happy sucker. :) Don't I know any other word for happy? Man...can't think. Mirthful...jocular...felicitous...merry...where's my thesaurus? *smiles dreamily and wanders off* Viv wished for the moon @ 8:12 AM |
![]() Thing of the day
![]() Head in the clouds Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.