Wednesday, October 30, 2002 The computer is behaving rather badly today. Evil machine.First things first. Hurrah! Episode 5 of Demonology 101 is up!! :) Today a few of us went for the Temasek Seminar, which is this National Education type seminar cum forum, held in the SAFTI Military Institute Officer Cadet School. Surprisingly enjoyable! The programme was just the right length, the keynote speakers (Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Environment and Minister for Defence) lively and interesting. In particular I have gained a deep sense of admiration and respect for Mr Cedric Foo, the Defence Minister; he was one of two who chaired the discussion later on, and I was very impressed by the way he got right to the point in dealing with students' questions, for the most part hitting the issue squarely on the head (even when the student's queries were nearly unintelligible), and even infusing his replies with gentle humour. I've been accustomed to seeing members of discussion panels who hem and haw their way through replies that bear little relevance to the question asked, content to go off on a tangent lying on what they may perceive to be "safer ground"; politically correct responses to inquiries that have the potential to be controversial (and therefore interesting). Therefore to encounter someone like Mr Foo is really a breath of fresh air, and I really was quite happy with the calibre of the day's discussions. (No, I wasn't paid to say that stuff. Really.) I discovered a whole lot of stuff about the army and National Service that I never knew before. Feel enlightened. I've been getting a big dose of NS related stuff lately...prior to this year I knew virtually zilch about the thing, only it was something all post A level guys got shaved and packed off to do for 2.5 years, and that you didn't get to bathe when you went out to the jungles to camp. On a tangent, I once heard from someone how he didn't pack enough underwear to last through his jungle camp stint, and ended up wearing his underwear front to back the first day, back to front on the second, inside out on the third and so on and so forth, the number of possibilities limited by the number of days of camp. Eew! I am proud to be a girl! The only problem with today was definitely attire. For such big occasions we are supposed to wear our formal attire; white shirt, school tie, school skirt, blazer, stockings and black pumps. Problems: 1. Shirt: The material of my white shirt was of a very crumply kind and looked very shabby. It was also too big and baggy, too long to leave untucked and too short to be tucked in neatly. I ended up having to safety pin the thing in a million places, and even then it looked rather lao bao. At least for the most part it was hidden beneath my blazer. Which leads on to... 2. Blazer: Rented from the welfare board of the student council, and I had the dire misfortune of being in possession of the smelliest blazer they had to offer. Evidently, whoever wore it before me had excruciatingly severe body odor and didn't have a great enough sense of personal hygiene and social responsibility to either wear deodorant or at least, INFORM council upon returning the blazer that it smelled downright terrible after he'd (I'm guessing a rather midget 'he', I'm of the opinion that girls can't ever smell quite that bad) rubbed his pituary glands all over it. Either way I had no idea how badly it smelled until I went home yesterday and had a proper look at the thing, and the pong nearly knocked me over. My mum tried steam cleaning it that night (kind of a DIY dry cleaning device), and I generously sprayed it with deodorant this morning, but the stink wouldn't go. I luckily managed to exchange the blazer in the end, thank goodness, but the thought that I would've had to wear that BO blazer for at least 3 hours straight still terrifies me even now. PU! *_* 3. Shoes: Black pumps give big blisters!! We had to traipse all over the Military Institute later on, and I got some mondo blisters on me heels. Ach. On that note about the MI tour, another problem presented itself, and that was stockings in the blazing midday heat. Already we'd removed our blazers and ties and unbuttoned our cuffs to last through the horrible temperatures in the open air as we walked about, but there was nothing we girls could do about the stockings. We couldn't very well just duck behind trees, as many as there were, to pull them off, and as far as I was concerned, walking about without stockings was a surefire way to inflame those durn blisters further. So we had to swelter along, stockings and all, and I had double the complaints because my shirt was flapping around and I looked horribly messy and I was all hot and uncomfortable and...and...*whine whine whine* I never had such problems with formal wear before. Why then today? *Mystified* Bad Clothing Day I suppose. Ah well... ... ...such are my attire woes, and thankfully for you, dear reader, their tale is thus concluded. So now? I'm supposed to be doing Chinese! What am I doing online? I don't know! I need sleep....................I slept at 2+ the night before, and I intended to catch up on my missing slumber last night, but I didn't expect to be on the phone till so late (heeheehee, giggle giggle giggle); ultimately I slept at 1. I feel rather much like a zombie. Maybe I'll go nap after this. But it's almost dinner! But I'm tired! Oh dear... And that concludes another exciting episode of a Day in the Life of Vivienne! Applause, monkeys. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:38 AM Friday, October 25, 2002 IPW presentation today, we winged it for the most part, and it showed...ugh. Frankly project work matters nearly diddly squat to us, we're still the guinea pig batch for this new programme. It still doesn't hurt to do a good job though, and I kinda wish we had. Now as I study our project, Single in Singapore, I realize there were so many other aspects and ideas we might've considered. Ah well, it's over, and I'm quite glad. Enough was enough!! Now I can work on my Chinese in peace...I hope. *_*Ah, the things watching project work presentation drives you to...not that it wasn't interesting, but my hands just had to find something to do, and picking your nose gratuitously just doesn't cut it. ![]() Hubba hubba. Watch the drool, monkeyboy. Viv wished for the moon @ 10:09 AM Gads, I hate buses. Taking them from terminals makes me feel especially moronic, since I never seem to know what to do or where to go. Affords a little bit of peak hour levity to onlookers and fellow bus patrons. I should be well pleased. *Rolls eyes* Really tired. Art Club members went down to recce the Jurong Bird Park. We are embarking on community service there, painting the metal fence that surrounds the construction site for a new aviary attraction (can't remember the technical term for that kind of fence...argh, metal h-somethingorother.). It's a very long wall, looks at least 300m in length and over 2m high, has a very bumpy surface and it's rooted right in patches of knee-high grass. The mosquitos have a field day in that area, and it's right opposite some rather pretty but horribly smelly resident feathered creatures, including such specimens like the Bald and Sea Eagles.'s a helluva big fence to paint. How can 11 of us ever finish that thing in 2 months?! True, we will fulfill our 80 hour requirement for community service definitely, but...this ain't how I wanna spend all that comm service time. It's a fun project with much promise I'll admit, but there are so many other things I want to try out during the holidays as well. I don't want to exhaust it every last bit painting a fence that will go down, get sent to the scrap heap once the construction is complete. I want to busk, to go on that daycare camp...perhaps even try a day at an animation my drawing...go out with people whose company I much! It was during the course of returning home from JBP that the realization of paragraph 1 struck me, that I have bad blood with buses. Took me an hour and a half to get home. I shall have to seek out other methods to go home...methinks I didn't get the bus that went on the shortest route. It was a direct bus, true, a 165, but I have a feeling that if I'd taken a 156 instead, and changed buses at school, I may even have managed to clock a shorter time. Sitting on public transport for long hours makes me crabby, and it was with that mood that I returned home, stuffed food in my mouth (plus half an Olio Dome brownie my mum's friend bought from the suppliers, hooray), bickered with brother and mother, had a shower, tried to sign up for my SATs online (and giving up -- I'll just go down to the registration centre tomorrow and do it manually there, gaah), and ended up grouchily blogging. Viv wished for the moon @ 9:59 AM Thursday, October 24, 2002 For fun I typed "Vivienne" into the Altavista search engine, and came up with 66814 matches. Wheee! ^_^Vivvy gets her kicks in very strange ways. But go try it, people! Type in your name and check out the results! *scampers off to investigate* Toodles. Viv wished for the moon @ 9:06 AM Regina: Were ya referring to me about policemen and firemen? I don't recall writing anything about em...*skritch* Viv wished for the moon @ 9:00 AM Something tells me this joint is in need of some sort of revamp, a new template or something. But online inertia seems to have taken me hard, I don't feel like sourcing for one. Meh! Ok...things to do with boring Blog (ooga booga) : 1. Get a tracker 2. Change template 3. Get some cute animated icons to randomly bounce around screen area 4. One of those "Choose your mood!" tables In short, Online Rojak/Dumping Ground in the making. Stay tuned, monkeys. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:55 AM B for Lit...marginally disappointed. I know I shouldn't've expected much, owing from the amount of work I put in...but it's just that I had a blast doing the paper, seriously. I really did enjoy it, and I did hope to get a good mark for my pains. B is decent yes...but for Literature, for me, it's not enough. I have myself to blame mainly, tis that old sense of complacency, and carelessness, carelessness in not spending enough time planning my essays, dissecting the questions and practical criticism passages. My teacher said he was very shocked when he saw the essays I wrote for this exam, he'd expected much more of me than what I'd produced. Dammit! Looks like I'm even going to have to be a mugger for literature, after all. Can't be like them other natural lit geniuses who prepare a deceptively spartan amount for the exam, then go in and get if not As, marks comparable to others who have been slogging away for lit from the beginning of the year. Brilliant, huh? Viv wished for the moon @ 8:47 AM Monday, October 21, 2002 On second thought...I think I'd rather pass econs, ultimately. Better to pass than to fail. *Nods sagely* So much for principles of borderline grades and honour and such. Out the window. Wheee!!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 8:23 AMWhoopah. How's this new title? I like it muchly. I'm gonna talk in one liners this fine evening, ladies and gentlemonkeys. Finally caught The Importance of Being Earnest today! Cheesy shit...but a likeable, lighthearted cheeky movie. Still prefer the Oscar Wilde original; this version managed to create a whole new subplot plus cut and pasted lines of their own...heresy! Blasphemy! Sacriledge! A literary travesty! *dramatic gestures* Methinks the great gay man turns in his grave. :) Ok...half the fun of watching it today was the company I saw it with, who unfortunately had to skip off immediately after flick to go home to study. So there! But Colin Firth wasn't half as cute as he was in Pride and Prejudice. I need my Darcy fix! Where's that sexy haughty man-hunk now? Yoohoo... Triumph! I kicked ass for GP, got a solid A1. Geography, B, but I'm cool with it. Considering the amount of work I put in, to have gotten a B was really a blessing. My geog has always been one of my weaker subjects, and this time to have gotten a decent grade...Praise the Lord! All that aside...I'm resigned to getting an O or F for econs, almost 100% sure I failed. Strangely/stupidly enough I'd rather get a clear fail than a borderline pass. It's too iffy...pushing 50+, you're not so much in the pits that you're so worthy of help but you definitely ain't top of the pile either. To be trapped in mediocrity is a horrible position to be. There is a big pile of forms with my name on them...and argh! AO in 2 weeks and 6 days. Better get cracking... Viv wished for the moon @ 8:17 AM Saturday, October 19, 2002 Work in Progress.Little Girl newly hatched chick small and wet she wants to fly to the sun with sequinned wings of wax lips slashed with Hot Cherry and Pretty Pink struggling with the first drag of a fire-sweet cigarette. oh Little Girl does mummy know how you've aged ten years in the space of a turn of the head and lip? Already you have honed your art learned the laugh, cheeks twitching into the sultry pout they way the pretty lady on TV taught you to. The fingers of one hand wrap around the wrist of your first fancy it feels grown up, doesn't it? As his fingers explore your arms, your neck, your secret bits something's not right, little girl. How do fingerprints on your skin feel? All this time, you keep one hand thrust into your pocket desperately clutching little stuffed rabbit (the one you loved since you were tiny) You've become a mynah, woman-child teetering precariously on 5-inch borrowed heels a pale shadow of the womanhood that you have too soon claimed for your own Icharius never made it, Little Girl Viv wished for the moon @ 10:00 AM Dream in 3D....Dream in 3D...can't think of anything else to replace that with. Lemmings Mighty Bastards has fallen out of ideas! Help!!! Idea bank has run dry!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 9:01 AM Friday, October 18, 2002 Man...I'm bushed! Open House and skit rehearsals for tomorrow were fun, but it's been a long long day. Can't quite remember what happened this morning, it seems like something that happened yesterday. Tensions have been high today as councillors were edgy all day, rushing around getting things just right for the day's activities. The whole day was pretty hectic for me, but somehow managed to swing from extreme deadbeat-ness, to anxiety and fluster, annoyance and high impatience. And the strangest thing is, sometimes there was no good basis for this mood change, and it annoyed me further because it did spoil a little what was supposed to have been an exciting enjoyable affair for all of us. Oh well.My mind has drawn a blank, can't think of anything else to sound wondering about. Oh, do you like Dream in 3-D? Somehow I don't. Sounds too tech-y, like one of those 80s campaigns to promote 8-bit computer games. Which I KNOW are very very far from being in 3-D, but I'm talking about that level of corny mechanical cheese. Or an ad, perhaps for some tech-y bric-a-brac gadget things in a setting of kitschy digital splashes of colour. Ah, kitschy. That was the word I was looking for. Yeah...Dream in 3-D is bloody kitsche. Time for change!! Soon. Soon. Viv wished for the moon @ 9:22 AM Thursday, October 17, 2002 Art spreee! Whee, look at sidebar! *points* With my time of mourning for the demise of Plato done for, I have conveniently eradicated him with a pretty new thumbnail. Like? Like? I shall change it periodically, to amuse myself. May even make it my 'New Pics' gallery, where by clicking on the pretty small graphics you can go view the bigger more glorious versions. But one thing at a time! Need more webspace...not just any webspace, webspace from generous servers that allows me to host images on other sites......and need knowhow. Last thing I want is to crap up my sidebars and things. Me no likee. Not pretty.What they were really thinking in the Prince of Egypt. :P Screenshot edit. Ha, ya think I could actually draw this? I wish! *wistful* ![]() Bored? Me too! ![]() And it just puts you to.... ![]() (kudos to Shakespeare: The Animated Tales. This is Miranda from Twelfth Night, drawn by 15 year old Vivienne and toggled with in Microsoft Image Composer. Ah, my non-existent savvy. *shakes head*) Frankly...all this is old art. All over a year old. But I just like my opinion nowadays I don't create things as quirky or pretty. Viv wished for the moon @ 5:45 AM So far, so good...Scores come trickling in. B for math. Muchly satisfied.:) I peeped over the shoulder of a friend today to investigate what he was reading: Sociology for Beginners. Fascinating stuff, really, but what I don't understand is why the publisher chose to put a comic-style pinup of a half-android half-clothed buxom 24th century warrior babe on the cover. What the heck do chesty females and futuristic biomechanics have to do with sociology?! Cheap trick by the publishers to attract people to read books on subjects they may otherwise find dreadfully dull. Sneaky!! Ha, and not that it was a great pic either...I could've drawn better!! :P Book content was interesting though. Must read...educate myself. I think I'm becoming too dumb for my own good. I need trivia in my head to show off with in conversation with intellectually minded types! I don't want to sound inadequate and stupid! Finally going to watch the Importance of Being Earnest this Monday!!!! I hope. If I don't go that day I won't ever have the chance to see it...I'm all tied up the rest of the week. Erk! Gotta go see an eye doctor to try and fit contact lenses (once more, huzzah! The saga continues...), and have to, HAVE TO see the orthodontist. I was supposed to have gone and seen him...uh...last December about my retainers, but the receptionist never called me, and I conveniently forgot, and even after remembering I was just too lazy to go and see him, for 10 whole months. Pretty bad I guess, considering the orthodontist's office is in town and I've been around there donkey times this year, but just didn't want to go sit down in the clinic that reeks of anticeptic, to wait half an hour to have my teeth prodded for approximately 30 seconds. Should get those retainers out soon though. My retainers on my upper teeth are removable, and I take em out while washing up, but the retainer on my lower jaw is simply a wire cemented across the back of a few of my front teeth. Mummy fears that if I don't do anything about them soon, my gums will grow to eventually swallow/absorb/can't remember the proper terminology my retainers inside them. Eww!! *_* Viv wished for the moon @ 5:20 AM Tuesday, October 15, 2002 Been a busy day. Open House is quickly approaching, and I'm glad we managed to get a tidy amount of work done today. ^_^ Completed our script for the Saturday's school seminar, sent in our shirt designs for Humanities and the ELDDFS, plus managed to get our banners painted. Tomorrow's gonna be a whole new ballpark...getting back Math grades and Chinese paper. *bites nails* Chinese I'm not worried, having already gotten news of my results from my Chiense teacher prematurely, but Math? Argh...I can't bomb math...don't want to bomb it...have a point to prove! Humanz students are not necessarily mathematical fatheads! Everything's been fun though, sadistically enough...I do enjoy my job. But I can't say I won't be relieved after this Saturday. Can finally wind down. Whew! Oh wait...that means I have to focus on Chinese...argh!! NooooOOOoo!!! *claws desperately*I figured my little gastronomical difficulties yesterday evening stemmed from an intolerance of too much rich food, rather than a lactose difficulty. Cuz I get the same problem with coconut milk, and wow! I was informed yesterday that there's actually no lactose in coconut milk! Ah, we learn new things every day, don't we? Man...I hope we can attract them Sec 4 kiddles to join Humanz. We crave new blood!!! *evil laughter* Viv wished for the moon @ 8:38 AM Whoopee!!!! Surpassed my expectations to get a B4 for Chinese, and the second most surprising thing, was that it was the highest grade among my small class. ^_^ All glory to Him, getting this for Chinese has really made my day.:) Would never have expected to actually top a class in, of all subjects, Chinese...this is the first time in my life it's ever happened. Admittedly kinda shows up our standard, for only a 60 to end up being the highest mark...^^;; but ah well who cares? :) :) :) Next stop...see if I can keep this up for the AOs... Viv wished for the moon @ 8:30 AM Monday, October 14, 2002 Twas Brillig, and the Slithy Toves,Did gyre and gimble in the wabe All mimsy were the borogroves, And the mome wraths, outgrabe. "Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The teeth that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jujub bird and shun The Frumious Bandersnatch!" He took his vorpal blade in hand Long time the manxome foe he sought So rested he by the tum tum tree and stood a while in thought And as in uffish thought he stood, the Jabberwock with eyes of flame Came whiffling through the tulgey wood, And burbling as it came! One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back. "And hast thou slain the Jabberwock? Oh come to my arms, my beamish boy! Oh frabjous day! Calloo, callay!" He chortled in his joy. Twas Brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe All mimsy were the borogroves, And the mome wraths outgrabe. --Lewis Carroll, "Jabberwocky" Viv wished for the moon @ 8:23 AM Unnnhh...just discovered today just how low my lactose tolerance levels are...*wince* Stomach hurts. Loo trips frequent. Feel awful. I blame mayonnaise and a general overdose of dairy products today. Ugh!! Viv wished for the moon @ 7:30 AM Wednesday, October 09, 2002 Going through my entire blog archive has made me hungry. Ok, finally off to get some brekky. *trots off* Toodles. Viv wished for the moon @ 10:04 PMAnd yet I have this rather annoying tendency to come crashing down after a whole slew of rather happy blog posts. Like now. Something's niggling, like a splinter in my mind. Feel strangely vengeful and destructive, unconfident. Wish I had a pair of eyes on the back of my head. Like a splinter, infecting, festering, always there, and I can't remove it. Numb it perhaps, dull it for a while, perhaps even ignore it for a stretch, but it's always there. A part of me I can't tweezer out, and I hate that splinter for doing that. Hate it. A splinter or a Wall? For both are one and the same. And please, for once, no smart-aleck comments, you know who you are. Just this once. Thanks. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:59 PM Sitting here in front of the computer, still in my pajamas, haven't washed up, haven't had breakfast. This is the life! Viv wished for the moon @ 8:52 PM Man, in retrospect, it wasn't pretty.*_* But! Just for fun: Vivienne's Predicted Grades. Literature: A/B <--Help me literature! You're my only hope Geography: Anywhere between B-D Econs: Anywhere between C-U <-- I'm serious, econs sucked eggs. Maths: At the very very best, a B. But prolly a C. GP: A1/A2 Chinese AO: Gads. B3/4? That'd be wonderful.......... Not an attractive scoresheet. Ok, this is depressing. No more! Viv wished for the moon @ 8:27 PM Ah the scent of Freedom ne'er left so minty fresh an aftertaste. I'm freeeeeeeeeee!!!! Dastardly promos finally crashed to the end yesterday. Urgh...I won't tell you the whys and wherefores, and I'm sorry I never chronicled them blow by blow over the course of the week (was it only a week? By Heaven, time slowed to molasses!), but truth is I didn't want to rehash everything and such, and well alright, yeah my dad did bar me from the computer for days on end, but that's not the point!! And now that promos are over, I doubt I shall want to recall the horrors of the days past, so ha, thou shalt never know how my exams went. But not like I bet you were dying to know anyway, as long as you're a student too you've got your own experiences to contend with already. :) Looking out...things'll get busy. We've got open house next Friday, I've got a whole lot of LD stuff to bother with, my mum's gonna bug me off end to bring all my books and papers upstairs to my room (they've been piling up in the dining room, my base of operations), clean up my room (I hate that!), and plus all the things I planned to do after the exams but prolly won't ever get round to doing cuz I'm such a slacker bum...and I still have my Chinese AO exams in November. :( Curses! Had I just done better for the thing last year...ah well, no more regrets I suppose. *looks ennobled* Point is, I'll remember my Chinese long after everyone else who didn't take the exam clean forgot the lot! Muahahahahaaa!!!!!! First morning of freedom (ssshhh! Don't spread it round, I'm playing hookey from school) , and I'm already bored. Darn! I think the major barrier that stands between me and getting all my chores and things I always planned to do done is sounds like activity, taking up And I've always associated after exams with stoning. Just doing nothing for the sake of it, simply because you were doing so many things before the exams began. Some perverse attitude thing, which sucks, because then every year I never end up doing things like drawing my comic, or getting off my hiney to play sports or something...they've been on hold for ages and centuries, accumulated from years of "I'll get round to it after the exams." Great, huh? Bored. I think I shall bum out to town today, because it seems like a nice bummy thing to do. Bum Bum Bum. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:18 PM Friday, October 04, 2002 In Paradisum::Sarah Brightman:: Requiem aeternam dona eis. Domine, et lux perpetua, Requiem aeternam, Aeternam dona eis. Perpetua luceat [eis]. In Paradisum. Christe eleison. Dona eis requiem sempiternam. In Paradisum. Christe eleison. In Paradisum. Requiem aeternam dona eis. Domine, et lux perpetua, Requiem aeternam, Aeternam dona eis. Perpetua luceat [eis]. In Paradisum. Christe eleison. Dona eis requiem sempiternam. In Paradisum. Christe eleison. In Paradisum. In Heaven Grant them eternal rest, Lord, and perpetual light Eternal rest Grant them eternal Illuminate them perpetually In Heaven Christ have mercy Grant them everlasting rest In Heaven Christ have mercy In Heaven Viv wished for the moon @ 8:27 AM Prok rib. Hahaha! *points* Viv wished for the moon @ 8:20 AM Because Siah called me a lemming and asked me to. BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG BLOG GLOB. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:17 AM |
![]() Thing of the day
![]() Head in the clouds Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.