Friday, September 27, 2002 Cured! Well at least I was on the road to being so, till I got carried away singing in the bathroom yesterday and screwed up my throat once more. But dammit it was fun! I went through at least 3 jazz tunes, a couple of showtunes and a ballad or two before I decided that belting out anymore would probably ensure some kind of long-term crap for my vocal chords, and that's not toooooo good. Vocal chords are good nice things. Yes, nice nice things they is. Good good good.I recently discovered the microphone on the computer and had a good time making funny recordings of myself. I've got a couple of chipmunk Christmas Carols recorded, plus a Jabba the Hutt impersonation. That one was the hardest by far to do, because I had to speak really fast and high-pitched so that after I toggled with the "Decrease playback speed by 100%" function it would run at a reasonable pace and pitch. Perhaps I'll upload them one of these days, only that they're pretty biggum files, and I'm rapidly approaching my file size limit on my webspace. ^^;; Watch this space. It seems the only worthwhile thing doing these days is either trying to mug, or bitching about how little you're getting done and how you're gonna completely screw them promos to little bitty pieces till their eyes pop out. I've been doing fair amounts of both, and I gotta say #2 is way more fun. There's some grim relish and satisfaction that can be derived from wanton morbidity. You should try it sometime, it's something of a self-flagellatory exercise but fairly satisfying. And you might even get a huge kick out of it, it's badass intellectual sadomasochism at its best. Yeah baby. Who didn't understand the last paragraph? Raise yo' hands, monkeyboys and girls! Then get hurled insults at by Vivienne herself for being a real thicko. Whee!!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 6:52 AM Wednesday, September 25, 2002 On Antibiotics and TCHS. As far as antibiotics go, I'm taking Amoxil tablets now, they're capsules half yellow and half red. While guzzling them just now I noticed that if you turn them yellow side up, scrunch your eyes and move them around, they look just like tiny Chinese High boys running around in PE attire. XDBeing sick has twisted my mind even more than it already is. Heehee. The discipline mistress went up today during Contact Time and made us J1s take this discipline survey. She mentioned, among our other sins, Public Displays of Affection. It was pretty darn funny for us, and there were only 2 people whom the entire HC Humanz present turned to stare at and cough loudly towards...______&______! Fill in the blanks! (*coughcough*ZZZ*coughcough*) Insider's joke. Sorry, all you non Hwa Chongians out there. ;) *Shakes head in amazement* Galen & boys are the penultimate. Maaan. Don't you have more fulfilling things to do with your time?! 9_9 Viv wished for the moon @ 7:51 AM Whoop de doo dah. Recently afflicted with a nasty little flu and her good friend Miss Fever, I have an MC for tomorrow! I'd dance around the room, if the cavalry wasn't charging in my skull. *_* UUUUUuuuuhhhNNnnnhhh. And why are fevers and flus somehow compounded with this constant urge to go and pee? I don't get it. :/ Sux larrh, as though I have so much time to spare for loo breaks...I should be resting or studying or something man, not getting up and heading for a tinkle. Time waste, man! Time waste! Kinda makes me wish I had one of those pee-bags, y'know, the ones they give you for lax muscles in hospitals...or adult pampers. Or something. Rather foolishly, I postulate that it is at times like these when a bladder is highly inconveniencing. :/ Hmm. The Shout Out button has disappeared! Perhaps there's a black hole on my blog. Next thing I know, all my graphics will get sucked into the swirling headachy miasma of cyberspace, never to be seen again! *shrieks as loudly as ripped-up throat will allow* Aaaaaagggghhhhh-gh-gh-g-g *koff* Viv wished for the moon @ 7:06 AM Friday, September 20, 2002 I'm bloody bloody tired. Tired of the promotionals a little more than a week away, tired from the lack of sleep, tired from the anxiety, and tired by emotions that won't stay silent in my head while I'm trying to amend #1, #2 and #3. I wish I could just curl up in a ball and hibernate like a mouse all winter. Or all year even. I wouldn't mind. Makes life so much simpler.I miss the Merrie Month of May. Things were so much simpler then... Viv wished for the moon @ 8:18 AM
![]() Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz XD Woohoo! That's me already, baby. :P ![]() Dammit, I love spuds. Mmmmmm, potatoes. :) That's all the bloggy rubbish I can come up with today! Be still, good people. Viv wished for the moon @ 5:28 AM Tuesday, September 17, 2002 I don't know what's gotten into me, but oh well. I blame it on my stuffed nose. *Snrks and crawls off for a tissue**ahemahem* Presenting.....This or That! 9_9 1. Portland, Maine or Portland, Oregon? Portland, Portland, Esplan-aid, Esplan-ard, pot-ay-to, po-tat-o, no biggie man! Ah dig both. B) 2. New York or New Jersey? Give me the Big Apple any day. New York! 3. Van Gogh or Van Halen? Van Gogh. Mighty artist dude, cut half his ear off and killed himself I'll admit, but still pretty smart nonetheless. 4. Bill Clinton or Bill Gates? Gads, can I say neither for this one? Both give me the willies. *shiver* One's got a thing for blue dresses and the other's just a megadork. 5. Leonardo daVinci or Leonardo DiCaprio? DaVinci, of course! :) Lefthanders rock my world. 6. "American Pie" or "American Idol"? American Pie...well at least the song. Not the movie. Nono. Me no likee. 7. George W. Bush or Curious George? Aaahhhh Curious George!!! :) When I was 5 and read the books I thought he was so cute...:) 8. Billy Joel or Billy Idol? Joel. Joel. *drooool* Yeah, Joel. :) 9. Donny Osmond or Donald Duck? Donald Duck. 10. Dr. Seuss or Dr. Kevorkian? Do you like Green Eggs and Ham? ;) Mr Cat-in-the-Hat wins! Die, Kevorky! Hmm, seems to be some strange poetic justice in that. :) Man, that was so pointless! 0_o Go me! Viv wished for the moon @ 9:02 AM Darn, why won't my piccies load? :( Viv wished for the moon @ 8:22 AM Injustice! The school is organizing an interfaculty science quiz after the promos. The invitation has been extended for four out of the five faculties to participate, and we don't think it's the medical faculty they've left out of this. That's right, it's us! The poor starving-but-smart arts students! :( Just because we don't LEARN science as a subject doesn't mean we CAN'T do it! I mean chances are they'll be asking more general knowledge questions rather than syllabus related questions, otherwise they might as well go sit for another round of promotional exams, and so we do stand a chance. This is discrimination, pure and simple! We weren't informed during the announcement of the competition that we were excluded either; perhaps everyone takes it for granted that poor little arts fac lacks the intellectual capability to equal this mammoth task. A science quiz! OoooOOOo!!! I qUiveR In FeeEEeaRRr!! *rolls eyes* Maybe they're just scared that arts might actually win the quiz! Then what does that say about them science classes, eh? :P After all, arts got Humanz powah! We mighty bastards!! ;) Not that I'd take part, but I just think this kind of injustice is worth the whine. *whinewhinewhine* *Disclaimer: Nothing against science students per se, you understand. I guess they really can't help their situation...but this ain't about them. Really. :) * Viv wished for the moon @ 8:21 AM Monday, September 16, 2002 Grr, this can't publish. Confounded technology! *thwaps screen with umbrella* By thunder, I'll have those good old days where we all wore funny pyjamas all over the place! Viv wished for the moon @ 5:52 AMEye Candy. Math lectures are yummy. Doodle time!! :) Hee. *Silly grin* Any resemblances to people, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Yeah, like you believe that, right? :) ![]() And on the reverse side of the paper, dear little screwed up Delirium, from Sandman. ![]() Hmm. Yu Heng mentioned today that I look like someone with much Experience, with a capital E. You could take it to mean anything you want; Experience With Relationships, Experience With Life, With Intelligence Or Wisdom, So On And So Forth...but whatever it is, it's a statement I think is rather amusing. I'm one of the most naive people you'll ever find. It took me a long time to figure out which end of the bus to go up, and that just because you were on the right bus didn't mean you were on the route that goes in the correct direction. *_* And wanna talk about relationships? *Smiles wryly* Let's not get too much into this honey, but I can tell ya, if you've spent 10 years in an all girls' environment like I have, you don't exactly gain much in that field. Or I just don't network enough, but I'm a lazy bum, that's all. My apparent been-there-done-that cool (alright, hey I just like the breezy way it sounds!) has been discerned, apparently, from the things I say in lit class. Hee. Well no offence Yu Heng, but learn that I am an avid supporter of the opinion that if you can't convince 'em, confuse 'em. Or smoke through silly points with fine sounding words. It's an art in itself, I tell yeh. X) All the same...perhaps I have the company of worldly-wise, Experienced people to thank for this supposed appearance of street-smarts. My knowledge of this earth is second hand from them, and they are my windows to the world. I was just smart enough to find a way to embellish it so it sounds alot deeper than it really is, that's all. I'm a shallow thing at heart. Now like, where's my nail buffer? Viv wished for the moon @ 5:50 AM Sunday, September 15, 2002 Mr Karaoke is still at it. He ain't improving with time... Viv wished for the moon @ 8:15 AMConsume Me ::dC Talk:: Lovely traces I can sense You in everything The way that You move me Takes me far away I seek no escape I'm dreaming through Your eyes I am wandering through Your mind I'm overtaken By the way that You deliver me I'm transcended There's no place I'd rather be Than here in heaven Without You I'm incomplete It's hopeless You consume me, You consume me Like a burning flame running through my veins You consume me moving through me Anytime anyplace You invade my space You consume me, You consume me Wholly devoted I immerse myself in You Baptize me in Your love Cause drowning in the thought of You Floods my soul I'm taken by the things You do God You know It doesn't matter what I lose I'm Yours You consume me, You consume me Like a burning flame running through my veins You consume me moving through me Anytime anyplace You invade my space You consume me, You consume me I am in Your hands Under Your command Like a puppet on a string I am willing to Put my faith in You So before the world I sing You consume me, You consume me Like a burning flame running through my veins You consume me moving through me Anytime anyplace You invade my space You consume me, You consume me There's no other way I can fly It's You and I, You and I... Viv wished for the moon @ 8:14 AM I count at least two other people who have typed out our Practical Criticism piece (that Twice Shy poem) onto their Blogs. It's a lovely poem, it is. It just spoke to me so deeply, and I realize how universal the experience is. The lure of the hunt fascinates me...the irresistable force that you should run from, what mummy told you to leave well alone, but you can't help it. It calls to you, and you are inexorably drawn in, drawn into total surrender. I like the idea of surrender, the idea of letting go completely, and submitting to a will stronger than your own. Lose your grip, and give in. Fall, and sink into your arms. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:01 AM Depressed people are a scary bunch. Have I ever said that before? *_* Someone in the neighbourhood is caterwauling along to a Karaoke Set. I can hear the mournful wail of "I.....LLLUUUURRRVVVEEEE..... YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" from some other where in the vicinity. Possibly even the house next door! But then again maybe not. This incessant cacaphony has been carrying on the entire day. Dammit, it's $(&*%$*( loud!!!!!! >_< Yo! How'd you like it if I pumped up my stereo and sang along huh? How'd you like it? So quit screwin' with my eardrums, you fool!!!!!! Or wait, you just might enjoy me singing. I sing gooooood. *smirk* I am a hearty advocate of bathroom singing. Makes you sound like you've got a mike clipped on, really professional sounding stuff. Man, I love myself. *beams* Now all I need is a good agent and I'm in business, baby. But I gotta get through my promos first....2 weeks and counting. Crud, how am I gonna finish LOOKING at at least 3 major subjects' worth of syllabus material in 14+ days?! Insanity I tell you, INSANITY!!! Where's a time-stretching device when you need one? Didn't Einstein leave a blueprint for one somewhere? There's gotta be something relevant among all this quantum rubbish...*rummages through* Hmm. The Physicists' Guide to Astral Sex? *considers* Oh alright. That might just have to do. >;P Dossit make yeh hoorh-nee baybee, dossit? Yeah. All this time I spend whining online I could spend doing something academically oriented. Agh! *smokes out* Viv wished for the moon @ 7:56 AM Saturday, September 14, 2002 *whine, skritch* I splattered toothpaste while brushing my teeth, and some of it got on my eyelid. Now I have the tingling minty freshness of Colgate on my EYEBALL! *thrilled* Viv wished for the moon @ 9:49 AMFriday, September 13, 2002 Couple of things, Pak:1. Ha! You typed out the whole bloody poem yourself! SO QUIT YELLING AT ME, DAMMIT!!! 2. It's PruettHipunthu. You forgot the 'H', you miscreant. 3. It is no longer Friday the 13th. Okay, point #3 is fairly irrelevant, but I just threw it in because 3 is a much nicer number than 2. Three! THree! ThREEeeeEEEeeee!!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 10:00 PM
Kinda boring.... *_* Viv wished for the moon @ 7:30 AM
*falls over* Funniest damn quiz I've ever done!! AAAGGGHHHHHHYYYYAAAAOOOOOHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
Reaaallly. Oh come on! It was the closest thing to American animation and comics!! Viv wished for the moon @ 7:27 AM Clothes and other such issues concerning life and death. The thrills of growing long hair! *squeals* Now I can finally go into hair accessory shops and wander around and actually do more than point out to my mother the flaws of her choice of hairpiece, that is, try them on for myself and decide they're too girly for me. :P The tricky thing about accessory buying, or indeed shopping for any kind of apparel in my case, is the issue of it not looking "me", like something I'd wear on a regular basis. Usually I end up with rather simple functional hair thingamabobs, like this boring black and brown clip I've got on now, which gives my uptied hair the appearance of a stiff paintbrush standing erect, and plain shirts, with few frills and/or pinky flower things. Tres dull, but tres me. Then when I try to look for something new, I realize that I just wouldn't wear it. And even if I did, I'd shock people, who'd all go, "I never thought you'd wear that kind of thing!" etc. Tres tiring. What's a girl to do? And I'm still looking for an excuse to wear my fuzzy black halter! I need a dinner appointment! A play! A concert! Anything! It's sitting quietly in my wardrobe, with "Wear me!" written all over it, and I can't! *whine* And I'm hungry. *whine whine* I'm still slacking off. *whine whine whine* I'm annoyed. Screw it lar. *quadruple whine* Viv wished for the moon @ 7:13 AM Twice Shy ::Seamus Heaney:: Her scarf a la Bardot, In suede flats for the walk, She came with me one evening For air and friendly talk. We crossed the quiet river, Took the embankment walk. Traffic holding its breath, Sky a tense diaphragm: Dusk hung like a backcloth That shook where a swan swam, Tremulous as a hawk Hanging deadly, calm. A vacuum of need Collapsed each hunting heart But tremulously we held As hawk and prey apart, Preserved classic decorum, Deployed our talk with art. Our Juvenilia Had taught us both to wait, Not to publish feeling And regret it all too late -- Mushroom loves already Had puffed and burst in hate. So, chary and excited, As a thrush linked on a hawk, We thrilled to the March twilight With nervous childish talk: Still waters running deep Along the embankment walk. Viv wished for the moon @ 7:02 AM Tuesday, September 10, 2002 An overdose of sweetness today, I have. Or maybe I'm just trying desperately to put my integration tutorial off. Eagh, but who needs that stuff anyway? *Complacent idiocy* I'm never going to programme computers or heal the sick and ailing...well unless one day this bit of information will somehow come in useful in bartering my way out of captivity from a band of non-unionist plumber rogues. But I digress.![]() Daisies and Daydreams. ![]() Gratuitious Quiz-spree. ![]() Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz! Adowwabble!!! Eeeee!!! *quickly unleashes hounds* Attack, my darlings! Go, go, go!! >:)
Whaaaat? Ah, cool cover illustration anyhoo. :P
Uh huh. That's...nice. O_O Viv wished for the moon @ 6:55 AM Currently feel like a cow; I am too sedentary for my own good. *Lumbers away* Viv wished for the moon @ 6:27 AM It is official; Humanz has turned me into a slacker. It worries me greatly that I find it so hard to sit down and study productively...and study everything I have to. Argh! *Bites nails* Well admittedly I'm in a programme where the tutors fall all over themselves trying to GIVE you S-papers, but I don't want to feel like an iffy case, by getting borderline grades for this little exam in under 3 weeks. I need the assurance I can cope with myself and the added papers. 0_0 That aside, hey PAK! Don't forget to bring your Sandman thing tomorrow! Can. Do.? (Patterning my style, very very briefly, after the rather odd punctuation format of Mr Pak Shu Hua. Never again!!!!! *_*) Viv wished for the moon @ 6:23 AM Monday, September 09, 2002 Not for the faint-hearted. Horrors! My dog got hold of my new slippers a few days back. It was a new pair, probably the most feminine I've ever had, orange with some very nice white beads encrusting the thong front. I just left them on the front porce and the next day they were completely savaged by that dumb mutt. Not a single one of the white beads were left, and even the slippers themselves were not exempt from a thorough chewing. And to add insult to injury, I found half the remains of my sad ex-feminine-for-going-out-footwear (alright, just the beads...well there were a LOT of them) in Misty's poop the next day. Eeeeeeeee. I guess you can't deny a dog its nature, mystifying as the whole fiasco has been. I've never known her to go for shoes, in all her coming-to-7 years of life. Now the only thing my poor slippers can do is take me into the backyard and out again. :(Ah, I never liked girly footwear anyway. Bring on my funky poseur slip-on sneakers! *bounce* Promos loom. Doom and gloom. 3 weeks; the countdown begins...*thunder rolls, lightning strikes, etc* Viv wished for the moon @ 7:06 AM |
![]() Thing of the day
![]() Head in the clouds Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.