Tuesday, July 30, 2002 *Raises eyebrow* This 'un amuses me greatly. ^_^![]() Ooooo Shiney! What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You? What I like to think I am:
What the quiz threw at me:
*falls over laughing* Cosmic joke, that is! I'm not a buxom Naitve babe who runs around singing to plants and animals and other such amoeba. Tho I do confess I enjoy the odd bit of voyeurism. Bizarre.*_* Viv wished for the moon @ 10:35 AM Whew! Back in action after the YMCA camp. It was definitely enjoyable, and quite an experience! National Day Preview on Saturday was fun as well, except it rained horribly. Luckily our trusty NDP goody bags contained ponchos, but umbrellas went up all over the stadium, partly obscuring my view of the performance. And I was happily dry enough, until the dude beside me shifted positions, and the water that accumulated on his poncho rolled down through the armhole of mine and soaked my jeans. D'oh! In addition, three of us got separated from the rest of our group, and as a result sat somewhere completely different from everyone else. The crowds were massive too! Terrifying, that. It took us an hour to trek back to the MRT station after the event when it should've only taken 15 mins, tops. We got detoured countless times, and human jams were large, and smelly. Very smelly. God, the stench of humanity, sweating and stinky and sluggishly moving!!! Cool eh? On the whole though, I suppose if you're uber ultra social, and adore making friends with people overseas, YMCA IYC was definitely the camp for you. If you aren't, like me, well...it just passes you by. Fun and a once in a lifetime opportunity yes, but just something that I enjoy for the moment, smile at, put behind me and move on from...don't I have a life some other where? Finally got my EzLink transport card! No more coin-fumbling for me, and having to prove I'm still a student, just without any ID whatsover! No more borrowing Transitlink cards off classmates and other hapless victims! I am empowered!!!! Now if only I could just remember to tap the screen at the end of my bus ride to get my ($*&()@ money back!!! *whines* *squints* Mraw, I hate this computer screen. It's blurred and I can't read anything on it properly; the letters are all fuzziness! Poo. :( Viv wished for the moon @ 7:40 AM Thursday, July 25, 2002 Again, my Blog main page works not. About time I get new skin. :POff to YMCA International Youth Conference the next 3 days! I was under the impression that it was residential, which had me panicked cuz I hate packing, and then I just checked my email and discovered, to my relief, that since I classified as a Local Delegate (along with the Interact and Chinese Society club chairpeople and 2 school counsellors) I could go home after the programme. Whee! :) Saves me alot of the trouble of packing and lodging, plus I'll have time to study for my geography test. :) D'oh! If I knew earlier there could've been time for me to get tickets for RI DramaFeste, but this is too rushed. Ah well. :( I should go work hard anyway! My mum has accused me of becoming a part-time student; arguably, I'm just being laid back, JC1 style. And my term report isn't TOO bad, considering that I was up revelling in the US of A more than 75% of the time: ABAC. C was for math. :( And considering the fact that once again, I failed the geography essay paper, it is beyond my comprehension how I once more managed to get a B in the final assessment. But I'm not complaining! Nosiree!! *big eyes* I'm satisfied, baby. Mommy's got a term report and honey, she ain't afraid ta use it!! Today a group of us gathered around to help create a recording of Middleton's Women Beware Women for a classmate who's ill at home. She's having eye problems and can't open her eyes, and so couldn't read her lit texts and study for other things...she's pretty much stranded at home until at least mid-August. :( So she suggested that we help her create an 'audio book' of the play so that she could at least refresh her memory of what happens during lit class. It was seriously amusing, very fun to record. And it was for a good cause as well! ^_^ Feelin' that warm fuzzy glow in yer tummy yet? Only problem; we can't seem to be able to play the recording of the last scene we did. Eep! Don't tell me we didn't press the right button to record it! Or I shall rant and scream and yank out large quantities of hair from my...um...stuffed bunny rabbits. Yeah. I like my hair follicles too much to actually rip out handfuls of my OWN locks. :P And last word. Let's hear it for HCJC Track and Field!! *Cheers* See, my bountiful loyalty comes into play! But then also, Filiae Melioris Aevi!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 9:22 AM Wednesday, July 24, 2002 I read Sandman for the first time in my life! I read book IX, The Kindly Ones. Pretty good storytelling, I can see why everyone calls it the best thing since sliced bread. ^_^ I don't really like the colours though; they're supposed to be garishly unsettling I know, but I find it a tad too psychedelic and disturbing for my tastes. And the artwork gets rather strange. *_* Apart from that, I figured I shouldn't read it at 1am in the morn, it got me completely creeped out; and yet it had me riveted, and I read till 2am, and was severely hung over that same morning. The irony: The Sandman kept me wide awake!!Gragh. *Looks crabby* Viv wished for the moon @ 7:32 AM May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields. And, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen. -- An Irish Blessing Viv wished for the moon @ 7:26 AM Thursday, July 18, 2002 Hmm. Our Post-Production Party (PPP) for How the Other Half Loves is this Saturday! Huzzahs! :) The only vaguely stress-inducing thing about it is, the newly hatched exco is in charge now, that is us lot. I'm hoping it goes alright...I know it'll be fun, just a gathering get-together mainly...but all the same, I don't want to get a pathetic turnout, and a very bored and hungry/overfed group of people on my hands. Erk! *_* Oh well I guess I should stop worrying, some things are really beyond my human ability...I must learn to Let Go and Let God a whole lot more. Not just here, but in my life... Viv wished for the moon @ 11:43 AMI have learned a new word today: Puerile. Silly and Childish. Puerile! Puerile! You are all just little puerile cricket buggies! Neeeeh!!!! Contemplating the CCAs for which people in our classes have assumed chairmanship. The History and Current Affairs Club is a fascist dictatorship due to our dearest brudder Wenyu, the Choir a diarchy because of Bernia and Bryan Ho, Econs Society a socialist democracy stemming from the efforts of Goh Chin, and no thanks to myself, the ELDDFS is Mdm Wong's Brothel. And I'm the Grand High Mamasan, baby. :P *big grin* Show 'em ladies! LD Kamama!! Viv wished for the moon @ 11:33 AM Viva la... oh, somethingorother. Do take note, this is a landmark! The latest time I've ever blogged in a long, long, long while. It's 11pm, one and a half hours after my online curfew is suppoed to kick in. Gasp, and how does this genius of a girl do it, the people cry? Well monkey boys and girls, LET'S HEAR IT FOR NETWORKING!!!!! Yesiree, in conjunction with our new houseguest who's here while he awaits enlistment into purgat- I mean, National Service, my daddy set up a computer with Internet access for him in the family room, just outside mine, and it doesn't have the Cyber Patrol Interceptor thingy anymore! Wooooot! Well...at least till my dad gets the whole network fully running, in which case he can easily switch off Internet access all over the household with a single touch of a button down in his room. :( Oh well. I'll enjoy it while it lasts. :P The atmosphere in class today seemed decidedly happy, relaxed, and bubbly! A friend attributes it to the fact that for the first time in a long while we blared music over our classroom CD player while waiting for our project work period to start, and we all howled along to the MIB rap (the original good kickass stuff, not the new wussy "Nod yo' head" jingle) and Meredith Blake's Bitch ("Meredith Who?" I hear you ask.). At the very least it was a tremendous stressbuster, but I also like to think that it brought back wonderful memories of our first few months in class together, the carefree 'Mickey Mouse Time Period' (before the O-level results came out, for the unenlightened among ye) where we mass-danced like there was no tomorrow and had that great aroha with each other, y'know? Yeah, great memories. :) And great times recreated in the span of this afternoon. Another amusing thing that really helped get us all heeheehahahigh occurred during the normally devastatingly soporific math lecture. I was languishing in the second row, and a friend from the class next door had fallen asleep directly below me, in the front row. So bored was I that I wrote "I'm Sleeping, Please do not Disturb" on a Post-it, and stuck it on her back. "Hibernating: DND. Do not wake till Spring" followed, curtesy of a fellow conspirator. Because of the amphitheatre-like structure of the LT, everyone in the back rows can easily see what's happening down at the front, and the results when they saw our handiwork were pretty darn amusing. The entire right wing of the LT was sent into giggle spasms while our lecturer complained at someone who had answered her question wrongly, "What's wrong with you all? Are you all sleeping?" Which somehow made everyone giggle harder. As expected after a while the joke died down and we finally un Post-it-ed our hapless victim. I did apologize to her after that, but she was a good sport about it. All in the name of a good laugh, ja? :) Of course...she did get rather snide on me in the afternoon, but I deserved that, really. :P Go Karin!!! :) :) :) Admittedly, it was disruptive. But it helped cheer everyone to a certain extent, I believe. The poor things were about ready to melt into bored sloshy puddles on the floor. Eeeeee. Looking at my math lecturer, I seriously wonder. Sure, she's got a kid, but...uuh...there are always...possibly other means of attaining the same end, let's just say. I wonder because she's one of the last people I'd imagine to ever, um, well, you know! She having IT? I mean, even with her lawfully wedded...and...well I just don't see that kinda thing occurring! She's well...um...oh no, evil thoughts! *knocks self out* If I'm comatose I can't keep blogging can I? Roight. Off to bed for meeeee!!! Chaaarrrgggeee!!!!!!! Tally ho!!!!!! And everything else!!!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 11:25 AM Tuesday, July 16, 2002 ![]()
Yawn...Boring. :P Well I'm hoping my templates work again; the past few days they've been giving me an Error 503 message, claiming some fault with my template or somefink. I might be going for a new template sometime soon, but can't find anything snazzy! Most of them are plain grey, or with strange geometric crop-circle type things, or cutesy kitty cats and puppy dogs bouncing around. Me no likee. Well that remains to be seen. If I get the goldurned Error 503 one more time I may be driven to it. Ya hear me, I'LL GIVE YOU ERROR 503, YA DAMN MACHINE!!!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 6:45 AM Monday, July 15, 2002 Finally! Blog template works again. Whee! Nothing much to say. I have an econs test tomorrow, which I am severely underprepared for, and my death warrant is sealed if I don't get off my ass to do something about it soon. Very soon. I mean like, NOW soon. YESTERDAY soon. Yeah, I think you get the idea.SOON!! Viv wished for the moon @ 5:35 AM Saturday, July 13, 2002 Whoa nelly, we keep setting new records, don't we? Nearly 6 days of non-blogging. My my my.But how to encapsulate the events of today? Emotionally, a complete fiasco. Got about as bad a battering as ever could be gotten over the last 7 months. I'll channel surf back to my wacky self soon, I promise. I'm mercurial enough for that. In the meantime, stay tuned. I'll be back. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:45 AM Sunday, July 07, 2002 Aiyah eh the 'Pub Arguement' test is bullsh*t laaaah. Waste my time man.Don't you just love Singlish? Though this shall be its maiden, and swansong appearance on my blog, as far as I can help it. Or I might just degenerate further into gratuitously typing the F-word all over my blog *coughcoughYongFengcoughcough*. :P Viv wished for the moon @ 9:31 PM
![]() Which Peeg are you? Like, duuuuude. Screw off! Viv wished for the moon @ 9:27 PM Kiss Me ::Sixpence None the Richer:: Kiss me out of the bearded barley Nightly, beside the green, green grass Swing, swing, swing the spinning step You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Silver moon's sparkling So kiss me Kiss me down by the broken tree house Swing me upon its hanging tire Bring, bring, bring your flowered hat We'll take the trail marked on your father's map Oh, kiss me beneath the milky twilight Lead me out on the moonlit floor Lift your open hand Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance Silver moon's sparkling So kiss me Viv wished for the moon @ 12:39 AM Saturday, July 06, 2002 *Purr* Orgasmic thrills out of doing online quizzes!!!!!!!!!![]() Gragh, me hungry!!!!!! ![]() Take the What Kind of Chinese Food Are You? test! Viv wished for the moon @ 11:36 PM
![]() How dumb are you?
Alleluia!!!!! I finally finished my John Donne Essay at 2.30am this fine Sunday morn. Really glad to get it off my back, it's been the bane of my existence for the past six weeks or so. *_* Well, my bad for not finishing holiday homework when it was the holidays. Then again in my defence and in a vain attempt to justify myself, I was on vacation overseas! You hear me? ON VACATION, DAMMIT!! And NO SATIRE III FOR ME! Provided of course I remember to bring my essay on the due date. Or I'd say that God has a really strange sense of humour. :P Came back early from Church today because I was really bushed out by last night's gargantuan effort to get my essay written. Now I'm hungry...and I itch. Maybe I have fleas. I don't know. My scalp's itchy, my neck's itchy, so's my back and...argh!! Death by itching!! *fidgets* I've been exposed to alot of plays lately. We just had our literature test on Thomas Middleton's Women Beware Women, a rather misogynist 16th century play about ancient forms of Women's lib and how men are always out to exploit women, and how women are the consorts of the devil, Calvinism, predestination and so on. This term we began analysing the drama genre for Literature's Practical Criticism class and then a friend introduced me to Tom Stoppard's The Real Thing and Rosencrantz & Guilderstern are Dead, both of which I conveniently skivved off him to read. Pretty deep stuff, this Stoppard fellow. We're doing R&G for literature next year methinks. It's definitely hilarious, but at the same time I found it rather oppressive and depressing; I kept having this feeling of claustrophobia creep up on me as I read the play. The philosophy bit is quite incomprehensible at times too; if I had problems deciphering it on paper I suspect a theatregoing audience wouldn't have a very easy time either. But it's packed with enough easy laughs for it to make a good show; and after that you can still go to the library, borrow the book and ponder over the bits you missed. The Real Thing is pretty much a play within a play; the loves and lives onstage and off of 2 couples. Y'know, Infidelity, Define The Nature Of Love, Observations On Life, that kind of thing. It's markedly more serious than R&G, and I was moved very much by parts of it. I think it would be great play to put up and perform in; I would like to sometime. Who knows? :) But argh! Only those lines! These characters go on for pages at a time!! 0_0 One of the questions TRT brought up was this. Love isn't really love until you can find a part of you that doesn't care. Make any sense? It does, a little, at least to me. Can you ever care too much? Is it wrong to? Another one though, clearer cut: Exclusive Rights isn't love, it's colonization. Naaaaah. Don't agree. Damn keyboard is lagging. I hate it when that happens. :( :( :( So much for yesterday's cryptic-ness. Does this make you feel more comfortable, dear reader? That old sense of normality that Vivienne is once more rambling on about the sordid details of her private life? Enjoy it while it lasts, because cows don't need cannons to fly. Ha! Made 'ja look, eh? ;) Viv wished for the moon @ 11:18 PM Tup te tup. Off I go, to put my mind to a little academic exercise. Then I'll fly the universe with you. Viv wished for the moon @ 3:34 AM Dammit, I ought to refurbish this joint. It's too un-giffy-animated and standard. In good time. Maybe I should sound more angsty when I blog. But sometimes it's just fodder for the gratification and amusement of others. Ahhh, angst sucks! Let's all be cheerful and leapfrog with unicorns. John Donne essay calls. Better get something started. The hell I'M gonna be stuck doing an analysis of Satire III (deductive logic should tell you, dear reader, that that is the punishment for the last person to hand in his/her John Donne manifesto.)... Viv wished for the moon @ 3:03 AM A life lived in fear is a life half lived. I like that quotation. Heard it from Baz Luhrmann's Strictly Ballroom yonks ago; somehow or other the saying resurfaced in my mind last night, and wouldn't let me go. Paradox of the Wishbone. If you make a wish and when the wishbone snaps, the bigger fragment of it lies in your hand, your wish will come true. If you end up with the smaller bit, your wish is nullified. But what if your wish is to get the smaller piece? Viv wished for the moon @ 2:58 AM Friday, July 05, 2002 Think of Me::Phantom of the Opera:: Think of me Think of me fondly When we've said goodbye Remember me, once in a while Please promise me you'll try When you find That once again you long To take your heart back and be free If you ever find a moment Spare a thought for me We never said Our love was evergreen Or as unchanging as the sea But if you can still remember Stop and think of me Think of all the things We've shared and seen Don't think about the things Which might have been... Think of me Think of me waking Silent and resigned Imagine me, trying too hard To put you from my mind Recall those days Look back on all those times Think of the things we'll never do There will never be a day When I won't think of you We never said Our love was evergreen Or as unchanging as the sea But please promise me that sometimes You will think of me For you. Viv wished for the moon @ 6:19 AM A1 for GP. Woohoo! And our class managed to hijack our teacher's handphone, change the language settings to Chinese and the line to 2. Our poor British tutor was positively bewildered when he discovered it, after our notification. Wasted! We should've kept quiet, stopped sniggering and let him discover it only when he returned to the staff room, where all the other large Englishmen there would be of little help to him to solve that little language problem. At any rate, the guy who switched the languages on his phone offered to switch it back, and then changed it to Malay. It was a riot! *grin* I guess it just wasn't his day. :) Stressss....bad weekend ahead. Something tells me I should've finished my holiday homework when it was designated. Oh well. I learn the hard way. *wince* Viv wished for the moon @ 6:14 AM
![]() What kind of drunk are you? Yuck!! :P Dammit, that's funny. But then I've been pretty randy all day. Wheeeee!!!!!!!!! *runs around, throwing off shoes and giggling hysterically* Viv wished for the moon @ 6:05 AM Thursday, July 04, 2002 It strikes me how many people in my class read and keep blogs, and how the network has become pretty darn big. It's got pros and cons definitely, but one of the things I like is the increased basis for familiarity. You can discuss bloggy things together, like how to accessorize your blog till it resembles a jumble store, and it's a good place to dig up interesting little bits of discussion-worthy personal information. >:) Well hey, I guess I believe you blog with the full knowledge and intention of letting all and sundry gain access to and read your bloggage (new term, coolness huh?), so there's really no way you can complain "How did you know? Did you read my blog? Oh, $(*%_$(%*&!!!" in the event someone brings up whatever you divulged there. You snooze, you loooooose.The last few days have been fairly uneventful. I got my math results back; I managed to pass, but not stupendously so. Fair enough, cuz I didn't spend that much time on it, and it was a pretty tricky nasty little bitchy paper. >:( Kinda disappointed for geography tho; I actually studied pretty hard for that, typed notes and actually managed to read the massive pile of handouts that our teacher gave us before the holidays, and I still failed it!!! :( Oh well, poetic justice, perhaps. My geography grades haven't been too good since the year started, as compared to last year. I wonder why. Traditionally I've always loved the subject of plate tectonics and continental drift (don't laugh, it really is very interesting. More so than granitic landforms anyway -- who gives two thirds of a monkey's bottom?), but somehow now that all the details and things have come in...it's trickier now. Either that, or my geography teacher is a very hard marker. I'm gonna get my general paper back tomorrow; I distinctly recall still scribbling madly at my comprehension paper even after our teacher told us "Time's Up!" and realizing just as I was about to turn it in that I left the entire vocabulary section at the back undone, and madly scratching in as many words as I could. Harrowing. *_* Hope I'll do better for that paper than those I've gotten back so far...it'd be a nice morale booster...*wistful* Oh, and I saw Minority Report yesterday night! My parents got 2 free tickets, and so I took hold of the situation to jump on the bandwagon and go along. Unfortunately I ended up sitting by myself in another theatre altogether, next to a really big sized Caucasian man who smelled thorougly of fish and chips. *_* It was a pretty late night movie too, it started at 9 30pm and we only started off for home at 12 30. That aside, I have to say that MR is absolutely beautiful. There's really no other word for it; the visual effects aren't just myriad, they are very tastefully executed and meld seamlessly with the settings they are placed in. Stylish and slick, their movements, especially the style of movement of computerized graphics and robot vehicles, are almost dancelike with a flowing, lyrical quality. Beautiful, in a mid 21st century kinda way. Elegance also lies in the cinematography, which combines grit and violence with well-planned camera angles and strategic cutting. It is definitely also an exceedingly intelligent film; it gives you plenty to consider as the twists in the plot enjoy a consistency and believability. It's the kinda movie that presents paradoxical issues which keep you up thinking, which is what it did for me. Good or bad? You decide. Intelligence in flicks can get classified as either a massive pro or a massive con, depending on the intellect and preferences of the cinemagoer. Aw, whaaaaat?! Go watch Austin Powers or something if you're just keen to leave your cranium at the door! For me it was The Matrix meets AI. But I can't just give it a label like that; MR is a film in a class of its own, a groundbreaking movie in its own right. Just damn that gross, wanton, crass and uncharacteristic product placement throughout the film!! Perhaps I'm too much of an idealist, but oh well, everyone has their ideas. And I suppose, pragmatically speaking, even multimillionaire movie directors have to make livings somehow. *_* I shall think of more ravy things to say about this movie in good time. Dinner calls, and I run the risk of imploding from hunger. Ta! :) Viv wished for the moon @ 7:09 AM Tuesday, July 02, 2002 Plato seems to be experiencing a strange kind of on-off paralysis. Hopefully it's a phase and he'll get over it soon enough. Must be the equivalent of the angry years for him I suppose. If you spent your entire existence switching funky colours and gyrating to and fro it's guaranteed to happen sometime :)Elfwood has been updated! :) A new photo is up too. Go and comment, and enjoy!! :) Don't have much to say these days, you can tell. I guess as the inspiration takes me I shall blog more. Methinks my use of the word 'Indelible' in yesterday's entry might not be exactly correct (it's an adjective, used to qualify a subject usually), but I give myself poetic license. Amoral vanity of the artist at work. And it's got it's own significance. SMS wisdom, you might call it. :) Viv wished for the moon @ 6:30 AM Monday, July 01, 2002 And I'mIndelible to you like a scar, an eternal mark or a sliver of forever? But forever is often shorter than you make of it And yet it is how long you choose for it to be, For as long as eternity can stretch Viv wished for the moon @ 9:20 AM |
![]() Thing of the day
![]() Head in the clouds Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.