Saturday, June 29, 2002 ![]() *banana* What fuzzy creature are you? I knew it! Monkey! Monkey monkey monkey!!!!!! MONKEY!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I'M A MONKEY, DAMMIT!!!! :D :D :D (Yeah, block tests are over. Why do you ask?) Viv wished for the moon @ 1:24 AM When he passes me by he's a ray of light Like the first drop of sun in the sky... :: Your heart Flip-flops, and changes like a marionette. Someone is standing in the shadows Pulling your strings --Geisha song Viv wished for the moon @ 1:18 AM Thursday, June 27, 2002 I have the Fifth Element soundtrack going round in my head. The track Protect Life. It just comes back to me how exquisite that piece of music is. A single tinkling melody that slowly draws in layers of harmony of strings, and slowly, at the end, fades back to a lone strand of plantive tones. It somehow puts the words 'childlike innocence' in my mind, for its beauty. I get goosebumps listening to it still... Viv wished for the moon @ 5:18 AMWednesday, June 26, 2002 I think I should customize my blog to look exactly like a Swiss Army Knife, with gadgets sticking out all over the place. My blog looks awfully nekkid compared to others I've seen. All nice and cluttered and full of little cute gifs bouncing up and down, with counters attached to their bulbous heads. Yeah, I'll get me one of those.Today's house specialty was math. A 2 hour 30 minute paper that put the "f" in difficult. (um...uh...applaud my wit?) Ok...well it wasn't that bad. The first question was really easy and so short that giving it one sheet of paper to itself as the instructions specified seemed a damn waste of good dead tree guts, but it seemed to get steadily more difficult till I blanked out halfway through and started wondering whether it was raining outside. While checking back on my sums however I did managed to redeem myself a tidy portion of marks, and I hope I do get to keep them. Carelessness has this awful habit of poking awful holes in my grades. Although I have a lit paper this Friday a whole gang of us went out to West Mall, a quaint little shopping centre deep in the Heartlands of Bukit Batok. Fairly nice, but like most of the other community mall places, pretty standard fare; there's the Value store where everything costs under two bucks, the food court, cinema and oh yes! The quintessential second-hand bookstore, to which we all trouped after lunch to amuse ourselves by reading salacious penny-dreadfuls out loud to each other. Y'know, those named "Night of Roses" and "Love's Tower". Someone discovered a trick to easily reference the fascinating passages; just let the book fall open by itself. Naturally and usually it will settle with its pages flipped to the passages interest. :P We experimented with the process and discovered it worked 3 out of 4 times. The last time landed us passages of miscellany, the stuff that normally nobody bothers to read in these romance pulps. Ah. What can I say? Food makes us randy. *grin* Siah: Ha! Riverdance came to Singapore a couple of years ago and hell yeah I caught it! *grin* The troupe that came wasn't quite as good as the original New York cast though...but it was a great show! Vivienne gives it her Two Thumbs Way Up! Don't make fun of guys in tights and shiny shirts, cuz they burn the stage, baby. Plato is thriving wonderfully well. Looks a little sick to me but then he's a blob. I have no idea of their behavioral or mating patterns whatsoever anyhoo. Viv wished for the moon @ 2:33 AM Monday, June 24, 2002 Look, I adopted a BLOB. At least he doesn't eat much. Doesn't say much either, but online pets do tend to have that tendency. His name is Plato. Why? Because I say so! Plato the Blob. Isn't that catchy?I'dve gotten the psychedelic breed, where multicoloured spirals swirl in all directions from the blob thing, but it gave me a massive headache, even though my tolerance level for such rubbish is remarkably high. Maybe if Plato bores me enough I'll go out and exchange him for the other blob. I'll call him Plato the Second. The things I do to get out of studying. *_* Viv wished for the moon @ 4:48 AM Sunday, June 23, 2002 A return to insanity. Yep, school begins again tomorrow. I'm actually glad to go back, I do miss my class! However tomorrow till Friday is Block Test Week. And Block Test Week equals stress, which I'm failing to feel right now the day before, unfortunately. But Block tests are evil. It'd be nice to just skip over this week and resume lessons as before. That bit I miss! Ok fine. And having school gives me an excuse to run off to town afterwards. It's more convenient to hop over to Orchard road from school than from my home. :PI can't think anymore, very full. Lunch was too much. Now I must stone as my stomach deals with the massive influx of edibles. *blinks blearily* Viv wished for the moon @ 3:06 AM Finally! YAAAY!!!!!! :) :) :) Demonology 101 has been updated. Viv wished for the moon @ 3:00 AM
![]() What Psych-Ward do you belong to? *Scratches head* Hey Siah! What the 'ell is this about? What's wrong with me? ;) Viv wished for the moon @ 2:59 AM Saturday, June 22, 2002 Scarborough Fair/Canticle::Simon & Garfunkel:: Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine Tell her to make me a cambric shirt (On the side of a hill in the deep forest green) Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme (Tracing a sparrow on snow-crested ground) Without no seams nor needlework (Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she'll be a true love of mine (Sleeps unaware of the clarion call) Tell her to find me an acre of land (On the side of a hill, a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme (Washed is the ground with so many tears) Between the salt water and the sea strand (A soldier cleans and polishes a gun) Then she'll be a true love of mine Tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather (War bellows, blazing in scarlet battalions) Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme (Generals order their soldiers to kill) And to gather it all in a bunch of heather (And to fight for a cause they have long ago forgotten) Then she'll be a true love of mine Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine Viv wished for the moon @ 1:09 AM
Curiouser and curiouser. I have discovered my inner pestie. Self-Indulgent Whining. Panic has set in; it has just occurred to me I have less than 2 days to complete all outstanding school projects. And what's worse, I'm lethargic. In one morning alone I've sneezed myself to near exhaustion. Damn these allergies! *snrks and runs for a tissue* Was just thinking about something this morning. My mom wants me to get a government scholarship, if I can. While it will pay for my fees for an overseas education, I will be bonded into the civil service for 6 years after that. In a way you could say that your whole life, or at least the next 10 years of it, is all planned out for you, and possibly the rest of your life; it's a lucrative fast-track career, admittedly; you'll get a whole lot of opportunities for leadership and overseas training you'd never get had you joined the public sector as a non-scholarship applicant. In a way, considering my academic standard, a scholarship is the ideal, almost default route I should take, and civil service my career path, all nicely chartered out for me. Many before me who have gone through the same course with my aptitude have done the same. It's a good life, sure. But is it what I want? I'll be almost 30 by the time I'm out. And ultimately, my goal is to go into animation, or comics. In these fields, the younger you are, in your teens or early 20s, the more attractive you become to publishers and studios. By 30, an animation artist or comic artist is normally fairly well-known and established in the field. And here I'd be, already 30, and not even ground through the art school mill. Even if i do make it into an animation school after that, it's another 3-4 years of lessons...and I'd be with no reputation, and seemingly not vibrant and hip enough to be a key player in the field, owing to apparent seniority. Although it might not be true, this kind of impression is very hard to break, especially since there will be younger artists around of the same calibre, and many more years of promise and nurturing talent ahead for them. I don't know. What I do take a little comfort in is the fact that nothing's for certain. Absolutely nothing. In a strange way it's good to know that. Viv wished for the moon @ 12:55 AM Friday, June 21, 2002 Maan. Oh come on, this is butt-end stupid. :P![]() take the death quiz. and go to laura = great. I revoke the earlier pun. This is even more so! ;P ![]() take the butt quiz. and go to why not visit the site of someone who made a quiz about butts? ![]() Watch it. I bite! *growls* ![]() Viv wished for the moon @ 3:42 AM An epic saga of good versus evil and too much caffiene. Yeh yeh, I know I haven't blogged in a while. Well just so you know I'm back safely in Singapore, in one piece! Got back on Tuesday afternoon, somehow managed to stay awake till 8 30, when I flopped down on my bed and slept like the dead till 8 the next morning. Nearly 12 hours of sleep! Now how did I do that? *pleased with self* Anyhoo, over the jetlag more or less now. About the only interesting thing I can recall happening in the blur of the last few days was going down to town to participate in a community service project called Musicweed, where you go down to town and busk in aid of charity. Regardless of the dubious, trippy sounding name, however, it was pretty fun; it's not often you get to stand outside the MRT station in full view of God and everybody and sing, plus get moolah for it (well, it doesn't go to you, but you get the point.). It helps a tremendous lot if you have the keyboardist or guitarist around; the first hour I was there we had to manage everything acapella. Not good. :P Got to know some new people there as well. At any rate it was nice to go down to town again, after the long break. It felt good to take in the familiar sights once more. England versus Brazil is on! As a result the streets are very empty, as is the food centre. I should know, I was at both just now, having lunch with me ma and pa. Sure enough my dad sped home after that and plopped himself in front of the telly set, and I doubt neither he or my brother will stir much until the end of it all. Soccer. Bah! I've lost half my friends to this dastardly match! Hardly anyone's online, there's nobody to SMS, and that means I'll have to go do my homework. Which still lies incomplete on my table, with large come-hither print on it. Argh!!! Nevermind; at least I'll grimly relish the fact that whoever's watching soccer probably isn't getting any studying done either. Hahaha! Great, I'm on a roll here, I can't stop typing now. Oh well. Tally ho! It's pretty funny. I got a birthday card in the mail the other day, from my band worship leader in church. It was very nice of him to have sent it round, but what amused me was the last line. He said, "It would be nice to see you smile more!" Amusing because I never realized that about myself, and it seemed a strange thing to say since I'm such a cuckoo laugher half my waking life. But maybe my quiet, pensive neutral face only shows up in church. Am I that poker-faced and serious there? I never knew...hmm...well I guess I could smile more, then. I'm just focused and worried-looking half the time because I have to really remember all the new song lyrics I come across; half of the songs sung at the youth service are songs I've never before heard in my life, owing to my growing up in the more traditional worship service. But hell, I do smile alot. In church too. Worship's a great thing, once you get over the bit that's new in all of the songs. And I love laughing, anytime, anywhere. It's usually just a matter of whether you catch me doing it. And perhaps the worship leader just never has. :) Got the photos from our holiday uploaded! I took some from the main folder, and downsized them into nice bite-sized jaypegs for your visual consumption. Here's one of them, and I hope to get the rest uploaded later, with commentary and the like. I don't like just having photos float around with no story to them. At San Francisco's Pier 39, with yours truly as the subject. Don't y'all be cryin' now. :P You like my face? Shout Out! You don't? Still Shout Out! ;) Viv wished for the moon @ 3:19 AM Sunday, June 16, 2002 I should stop going after older men. Ya think a girl would learn. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:11 AMOh well. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:11 AM On a rather unrelated note, so's Harrison Ford. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:11 AM Pass it on. Brendan Fraser is a BABE!!! *giggles* Viv wished for the moon @ 4:07 AM Blargh. Bloody tired. Watching The Mummy Returns and Rush Hour 2 back to back can do that to ya. *_* But dayum, it was fun. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:06 AM Saturday, June 15, 2002 Look, a quiz. Attack!!![]() The Vague But Nice Quiz by *yawns* Damn homework!! Nothing like a whole lot of tests to spoil a vacation. >:( I'm sleepy. I want to draw though. I got a book on how to draw Manga. Not sure why I bought it; I'm not a humungous fan of the genre; I guess perhaps I just want to try garnering inspirations from other sources than Western comic and animation art. Manga is...a virus. That's all I have to say! It's infected Planet Earth, and shows no sign of dying. What's a western commercial-art-junkie-girl to do? *big starry eyes waver, and brim over with sparkly tears as triangular mouth puckers* Ngaaah!!! See what I mean?! NGAAAHHH!!!!!!!! NGAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 2:26 AM Welcome to the USA. I saw a rather amusing article on the front page of a supermarket tabloid this morning at the drugstore. "News Flash! Adoption Agency Substitutes Babies for Shaved Apes!" *_* Next to that was a really tacky looking photocomposite of what looked like a monkey's head stuck onto a human baby's body. Which is probably what it was; apes are much more wrinkly than that; it's obvious when they're hairy, even more so when they're shaved chicken-butt bald. A very unconvincing fraud; you either have to be blind or a real dope to swallow that! Even my grandma could make a better photocomposite! I know I like monkeys, but that's a bit too much for me to stomach. It was so bad it wasn't funny, just downright stupid and utterly ludicrous. Honestly, apart from entertainment I don't see the discerning man actually getting anything out of this 'news' article. Hell, it isn't even news! It's the bestial fantasy of some two-bit cheapass tabloid editor hoping to make big time and get a life by printing such rubbish. Do these staff 'reporters' even have lives, apart from sitting around tables making up tales useful only to Delusionals Anonymous? If I find out that thing's true, my middle name's Iguana. Don't we all love freedom of speech? Another interesting thing noticed. xxx (not putting the real name in so that I won't get sued for wanton product endorsement.) Plumbing Services. We "Con-duit!" Teeheehee. Viv wished for the moon @ 2:17 AM Thursday, June 13, 2002 Sometimes it's better to be alone. That way nobody can hurt you. Viv wished for the moon @ 1:00 PMLess than lovers Beyond friendship; this stasis is Purgatory, Us two locked on the highest mountain Between the endless sky above And the darkening earth below. Viv wished for the moon @ 3:25 AM World Cup, schmorld cup.
This does not bode well for the year ahead. Oh who cares? Dadeedah... ![]() Click Here To Find Out Which Symbol You Are No I'm not, I'm rotten and nasty and horrible. But I am brilliant though. I don't know, ya think? >:P 20 I act like I'm 20. I am excessively amused.
A bitchy jellybean, just what I need. I like cinnamon though, fiery-sweet. Smooth and sensuous, with a hint of earthy dark fragrance that spreads, hot and mellow, like a shot of jazz in the jugular. My kind of spice. ![]() Because you're one of the smaller cats, you are often thought of This has to be the most accurate reflection of myself so far. On that note, I bid thee goodnight. I crave a shower, and will now take my leave of you. Viv wished for the moon @ 3:15 AM
![]() What is YOUR Highschool label? This is really dumbass! Everyone's unique! Just because I give weird inconsistent answers for the quiz they pacify me by tellin' me I'm unique. Nosiree, you goldurned machine, you ain't gonna get away with it so easily! Well it's 10 minutes till birthday is officially over. It's been a pretty quiet day, no sudden wisdom has sprung upon me in my waking moments, or when I'm on the toilet bowl, or whatever. I feel the same as I did yesterday, and the day before, and I probably will feel the same tomorrow and the morning after. 17 and 16 doesn't feel much different, basically. Nothing profound I've got to say at this juncture, but that's the way it is; birthdays really are just another day. Except for the fact that you get presents, yum. Hee. Well life goes on. Next stop? CHRISTMAS!!!! :) :) :) *6 month countdown begins* On the upside, I'm old enough to take driving lessons now! But then I've only just recently discovered the thrills of public transport (They're hiking busfares now! Poo!), and I intend to wear out the novelty of that first, before I turn my attention to other modes of transportation. At any rate, my parents have been pointedly ignoring any mention of the subject of cars, driving, or perambulating that I've chanced to bring up. As far as I'm concerned, I just bring it up to be annoying. Hey, I'm the birthday girl here! I'm going to be seeing my old kindergarten teacher tomorrow. Hurrah! The last time I saw her was 7 years ago. I wonder if she'll still recognise me. I hope I come up with things to say though, I'm not much of a conversationalist, which I guess seems surprising given my normal online garrulousness, but hey, take a memo from the quiz above. I'm unique. Smoooooth. Viv wished for the moon @ 2:56 AM Wednesday, June 12, 2002 Happy Birthday to Me!!! Sweet 16 is past, and into the sassy 17s now. A great year of Spork-flinging plaid wildebeest ahead for me!!!Looks like I'm stuck doing homework today tho. Ho hum. :) Viv wished for the moon @ 10:05 AM Tuesday, June 11, 2002 ![]() *Falls over laughing* Viv wished for the moon @ 12:32 PM Self censorship has compelled Vivienne to give this entry a PG rating. Grab yer mummy, you wuss. Nevah! You will NEVAH turn me to the dark side, Darth Siah! I REFUSE to use ICQ!!!! It is against my principles, and I will not turn against them ever! Have you ever considered the emotional trauma that comes from your precious little love machine (the computer) hanging every 5 minutes because of that Devil-be-darned little programme?!! *snif* I will not sacrifice my principles for the sake of convenience and appearing to be technologically competent! To illustrate my point, let me draw an parallel to a person who shall remain unnamed who just caved and defied his/her principles to avoid online quizzes because he/she thought they were silly and a waste of time, and then just because he/she learnt how to put them up thanks to a little bit of help from a prodigy wunderkind of a 16 year old (who shall also remain nameless), puts them up on his/her blog on the pretext of ADDING COLOUR!!! How shameless can one get?! I mean, it's likely to be nobody we really know, but all the same...! No, I have no idea why it should sound familiar to you. Ya think? >:P It's rants like this that keep me sane, baby. I'm liable to go loco-hoho-mad, unless I get some coffee. MmmMMmm, Cawfee. Vivienne discovers her bimbotic side, by raving about shopping. Anyhoo, back from a long day of it at the Gilroy Premium Factory outlets. Let me tell yeh, that place is shopping heaven. I got this really fuzzy-feeling black velvet halter from Esprit for only US$5. *Squeals* Esprit's closing down, so they were having discounts of up to 75%, and that's how I got my hands on that luscious item. I have no idea when I'm gonna have any occasion to wear a fuzzy black velvet halter (did I mention it's V-necked?), save perhaps at someone's funeral, but damn it looks good! Maybe I'll wear it to sleep one of these days for fun. Just so I can get a kick out of telling people I fall asleep wearing fuzzy black velvet V-necked halter tops. I think you can tell I'm excessively pleased with this purchase. Well I am! Not everyday people find Esprit FBVVHTs (go figure that out on your own) at 5 bucks apiece, ya know. On the whole though, I kinda realized that the more stores you go to, the more the stuff looks the same as in the previous place you went, and there's increasingly less and less to see. The styles are basically all the same for summer; tropical colours, sleeveless shirts, the usual. It seems much less diverse than the range of clothes at home; all in all, shopping in Singapore is a pretty funky experience. The malls are all unique, specialize in different types of clothing or other such saleable offerings, and's pretty much a lot more colourful an experience. Because we really have no seasons, clothes can be designed for any weather conditions; you can find pink sleeveless tanks and tan leather jackets right next to each other in a store because you'll never know when someone's flying off somewhere and needs one of those two, while someone else just looking around for a nice trendy buy will go for the other. In favour of the US of A though, if you go to the right places, the prices are but a fraction of what you'd pay back at home, even after adding on tax and converting the currency. *smirks* I noticed a rather interesting product at the Garlic shop (can't remember the precise name of the place...) . It sells mainly garlic based food products (fairly obvious, that), and that in itself was heavenly since I love anything with garlic, onions or spice. Along with these, however, the store has a few shelves for other gourmet food products like hot sauces and chocolates. While wandering through the racks, I came across this fairly largish jar, nothing fancy. It was loaded up with what had to be chocolate sauce, and given what a slave to cacao I am I picked it up and read the tag: Chocoholics' Body Spread. I blanched, then quickly recovered, and thought perhaps it was a joke. Y'know, chocolate lovers, so passionate about chocolate they can't help putting up naughty labels like that on food products, haw haw haw. I looked at the attached tag for 'recipies' and this seemed to further confirm my hypothesis; all of them were for cookies, or drinks or desserts only. Sure, the recipies included tag phrases like "sinful pleasure" and "luscious and smooth", but so what? Just an attempt at a cheeky sell! Then I turned over the last bit of tag, and saw something that goes a little like this. Daring! The Ultimate Chocoholics' Body Spread Treat! Uh oh. Not good. I sensed where it was heading, but was unfortunately riveted. I read on. Ingredients: 1 jar of Chocoholics' Body Spread, and yourself. Was it me, or was the shop suddenly too stuffy? Instructions: Undress completely. Generously spread chocolate all over self, and add more on special parts if you wish, according to the appetite of guest. Serve warm. Enjoy slowly. (Your guest may want to help in the preparation of this treat.) The cashier must've been wondering why this Chinese kid stood gaping at a jar of chocolate sauce for a full minute, grinned really hard, and trotted off after her mummy looking a picture of amusement and horror rolled into one. Yeah, it was bloody funny. Quite an eye opener! I never even KNEW they had special chocolate spreads for this kind of activity! I thought most people just used any chocolate product they could get their hands on. Hell, all of it tastes good! I've got a lot to learn. *_* I hope I've amused you today, boys and girls. :P *runs off still giggling* Viv wished for the moon @ 3:27 AM Monday, June 10, 2002 Oh, the cleverness of me. I souped up my Blog. I have a comment book now. Wheeeeeeee!!! Doncha just wuvvvv technology to widdle bitty pieces? Eeeeeeee... Viv wished for the moon @ 4:01 AMHe isn't mine to lose, not anymore. So tell me, Mr Tambourine Man. Tell me why I cry. Tell me why my heart hurts so bad. Viv wished for the moon @ 3:37 AM Sunday, June 09, 2002 Vivienne goes song crazy, once more. Live with it, monkeys. You're reading her blog, after all.Fly ::Celine Dion:: Fly, fly little wing Fly beyond imagining The softest cloud, the whitest dove Upon the wind of heaven's love Past the planets and the stars Leave this lonely world of ours Escape the sorrow and the pain And fly again Fly, fly precious one Your endless journey has begun Take your gentle happiness Far too beautiful for this Cross over to the other shore There is peace forever more But hold this mem'ry bittersweet Until we meet Fly, fly do not fear Don't waste a breath, don't shed a tear Your heart is pure, your soul is free Be on your way, don't wait for me Above the universe you'll climb On beyond the hands of time The moon will rise, the sun will set But I won't forget Fly, fly little wing Fly where only angels sing Fly away, the time is right Do now, find the light Falling in Love Again ::The Beatles:: Falling in love again, I never wanted to What am I to do, I can't help it. Love has always been my game, play it how I may, I was made that way, can't help it. Men cluster to me like moths around a flame, And if their wings burn, I know I'm not to blame Falling in love again, I never wanted to What am I to do, I can't help it. Across the Universe ::The Beatles:: Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind Possessing and caressing me Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes They call me on and on across the universe Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box They tumble blindly as they make their way Across the universe Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world Sounds of laughter shades of love are Ringing through my open ears inciting and inviting me Limitless undying love which shines around me like a Million suns, and calls me on and on Across the universe Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world, Nothing's gonna change my world Jai guru deva Jai guru deva Jai guru deva Jai guru deva Jai guru deva Jai guru deva A Taste of Honey ::The Beatles:: A taste of honey...tasting much sweeter than wine I dream of your first kiss, and then I feel upon my lips again A taste of honey...tasting much sweeter than wine I will return, yes I will return I'll come back for the honey and you Yours was the kiss that awoke my heart There lingers still, 'though we're far apart That taste of honey...tasting much sweeter than wine I will return, yes I will return I'll come back (he'll come back) for the honey (for the honey) and you Viv wished for the moon @ 11:11 PM Whew, that took ages to load. Hee. Jiamin, you lead a fascinating life. It ought to be immortalized in Hollywood film! But knowing how they have a tendency to glamorize and exaggerate you'll become a fashion model in love with a Rock Star Drummer *ahem, prod prod*...oh well. Life in plastic. :P Viv wished for the moon @ 1:27 PM Saturday, June 08, 2002 The completely unpolitic list of JC-Lightbulb-isms, courtesy of an email from Jiamin. Don't we all love a good joke? If you ain't Singaporean, or haven't been ground through the mill of the education system and know the scandals and unofficial politics of the inter-schools collegiate, you prolly won't understand what the hell's so funny. But if you do...well I guess you still might not find this funny. Oh well...oh come on! Don't be such a stodgy old puss! Laugh at yourself, ya monkey.Q: How many RJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: 4 whole faculties. One fac to design the new bulb, one fac to test it out, one fac to market it and one guy to write a stupid Email about lightbulbs. (NB: This email was sent by an RJC-ian. Go figure. :P) Q: How many HCJC students does it take to change a lightbulb? A: The whole compete with RJC......... Q: How many VJC students does it take to change a lightbulb? A: The whole to screw it in and the rest to cheer and wave flags and banners to give him/her support. Q: How many NJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: NO LIGHT STILL CAN STUDY!!!!! Q: How many AJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: They're too busy trying to be one of the top 5 JCs... Q: How many ACJC students does it take to change lightbulb?? A: None......they use all their money to employ YJC to do it for them. Q: How many YJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: None.....only one teacher to tell them what a lightbulb is in the first place and to demonstrate Q: How many CJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: They'd prefer it darker..........(hmmm...*raise eyebrow*)...... Q: How many JJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: None......Their physics is so bad that they make the male teacher cry..... Q: How many TPJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: Would they bother?? Q: How many SAJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: None.....they believe in praying for it. Q: How many NYJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: None.....they are still using oil lamps. Q: How many SRJC students does it take to change a lightbulb?? A: Huh, wat litebarb ... Q: How many TJC students does it take to change the lightbulb? A: None. They think they are very bright already. Heeheehee...*runs far far away from the growing mob* bleah! Viv wished for the moon @ 11:32 PM I really think my blogging is getting awfully insipid; not blogging properly for 2 weeks will do that to ya. 0_o Argh! Has it been 2 weeks already?? I have to agree entirely with your point, Regina. It's only because we were conditioned to believe that schoolwork is always productive that we are such slaves to conformity! Down with education! Stuff yo' schoolbooks up yo' nose-hole! Relax! Dammit, that's what holidays are for, aren't they? Kiasuism has taken its toll on the younger generation. The tide of malice must be stemmed!! Well, here I am alone in the house; my parents and brother went up to Calistoga to spend the weekend, and I opted to stay back to work on my school stuff (yeah yeah. See above for rant). It obviously hasn't been a terribly productive day. Look at what I'm up to! And our hosts are out for the evening as well, so it's nice and quiet here; the only sounds I hear are the sounds of my fingers tapping away and the dishwasher whirring in the kitchen. It's almost 8pm but it's still bright outside. Pretty serene. Now if only I could make that big pile of worksheets on the table disappear! Vanish I say!! Oh wait, if I close my eyes, I get the same effect. Unfortunately everything turns dark then and I can't type anymore, like thg4edoiuf098?ljkffkjg. 48($fjf** Stupid Hotmail took away at least 3 of my accounts. I guess it serves me right partly for keeping so many addies, but I had so much mail I had to keep changing mailbox (yeah, what a great social life I have.). Which means I had good personal correspondence mails in all accounts, but simply cuz I didn't log in in a month they took away everything, lock stock and barrel. Noooo!!!! Was in a bad cussing mood at first. Now just morose. I need to heal! I need therapy! Somebody get the number of that licence plate! Ngaah! *shrieks about* Dammit, why can't I sound more intelligent? Like Regina! Regina, you are my blog muse! :P *hyperactive Vivienne pokes the lethargic Regina into productive action, like more Chinese essays* Hahaha! I feel my essence being sapped away. I need chocolate. Gasp...the F-word makes an appearance on my otherwise squeaky-spotless blog. You have been warned, children. ![]() :: how jedi are you? :: Viv wished for the moon @ 11:07 PM Yuck! Say it isn't so! Tell me I'm not LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE!!!! ![]() Which Musical Heroine are You? by Giving a new meaning to hilarity. I laughed my ass off at this! Will never look at paddleball the same way ever again! Pong. Over an' out for now. Viv wished for the moon @ 2:15 AM Wednesday, June 05, 2002 Disneyland was a blast, though. A blast, I say! A BLAST!!!! :)*Deflates and collapses on sofa, with happy silly smile on face. Cue "When You Wish Upon A Star" outro and fade out* Viv wished for the moon @ 1:22 AM She's Back. Vivienne Wong pops back into existence for a little while. Nup, she's still in the US of A, but she has a net connection because she and her family are staying at a friend's house here in Cupertino, CA. She can't think very much because incredibly lethargic (then again, she usually is.). She just got back from 3 days at Disneyland; hopefully she can get the photographs from her trip uploaded when she finally arrives home, because then she can put them up here for the gratification of all and sundry. Isn't that sweet? Altogether now. Awwwww. There should be a full (or something to that extent) trip report there as well, if Vivienne can get off her big ass to work at it. 0_o Talking in the third person is extremely tiring. Well, I guess I better go find something more edifying to do. This is liable to rot my brain, or what's left of it. Argh! I have not started on any of my homework yet. There's a huge pile with my name on it...tests...essays...and it's not like I have a lot of time to do it within. Haaalp!! thought processes are getting more and more disjointed. Jetlag has been partly overcome, but still hangs around to piss me off the first half hour I spend lying in bed. It's impossible to sleep then...usually my mind goes into hyperdrive. I start thinking too much, so much so that it's very hard for me to wind down and get some nice sleep stuff. And then my dreams are a mess of hyperactivity as well. About things and people I know, dreams that warp everything I recognise about them in real life. Bizarre. What DO they put in the tap water here?! Viv wished for the moon @ 1:21 AM |
![]() Thing of the day
![]() Head in the clouds Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.