Wednesday, May 29, 2002 This place has been a furore of activity since I woke up this morning; been frantically stuffing things in my bag, answering SMSes, taking a shower...and my hair is irritating the heck out of me; tendrils of it keep sticking to my neck, making me feel extremely bothered, untidy and uncomfortable. I'd feel even edgier if my mother was around right now; she's been ordering everyone to keep things hidden out of sight, yelling around for people to be more responsible and ensuring everything they need is packed...good thing she's off to the supermarket for the moment. The atmosphere is marginally less stressful.This song is so fitting. It was used on the soundtrack of our play, and I just feel it's so pertinent to what's happening now, with the demise of production...and...other things. Knowing Me Knowing You ::ABBA:: No more carefree laughter Silence ever after Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa) There is nothing we can do Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa) We just have to face it, this time we're through (This time we're through, this time we're through This time we're through, we're really through) Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go (I have to go this time I have to go, this time I know) Knowing me, knowing you It's the best I can do Mem'ries (mem'ries), good days (good days), bad days (bad days) They'll be (they'll be), with me (with me) always (always) In these old familiar rooms children would play Now there's only emptiness, nothing to say Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa) There is nothing we can do Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa) We just have to face it, this time we're through (This time we're through, this time we're through This time we're through, we're really through) Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go (I have to go this time I have to go, this time I know) Knowing me, knowing you It's the best I can do ** It's a blessing the holidays are here; I need time to clear my head. Need time to think. Bye for now; I'll see ya monkeys in a bit. :) Viv wished for the moon @ 10:48 PM I've been thinking about it. Episode 2 would give one the inspiration to write a thesis on "How the death of your mother can cause you to go into a killing frenzy with a big long instrument, and then inspire you to get all scarred and dark and spend the rest of your life encased in a mask and black cape." Freud would have a field day with that 'un. Viv wished for the moon @ 6:18 AM This keyboard is driving me crazy. Once in a while the spacebar acts up and randomly inserts blanks in words and sentences that I'm typing. Or the Page Up and Page Down keys suddenly aquire lives of their own and cause whatever's on my screen to whizz up and down, scrolling madly intermittently. Gaaah!!! Still haven't finished my packing; I've been putting it off (obviously). At least I tidied up my room though; for once I can track a clear path through to my bed, without the usual minefield of stacks of books and sketchbooks in my way. By normal standards it's still rather cluttered, but if you live like I do, in a creative jumble (so I like to call it to make myself feel better about it), even dumping stuff on the bed so that I can sit on the floor counts for something. Packing...packing...argh...I hate packing! It's not only just packing clothing, it's all the toiletries, all the schoolbooks I'm forced to tote along because there's no way I can finish my homework if I just leave it alone till when I return (the 18th)...stuff to amuse myself... blah blah blah...oh, did I tell you how much I dislike packing? Hmm. Right now my mother is walking around with a strange device strapped to her belly. No, it's not a superhero's utility belt, though it looks enough like one. It's her abdominal toner, and she wears it 10 minutes a day to firm up the tummy space. When she wears it I can't decide whether to laugh or laugh uproariously. Usually I do both, really. But if you ask me though, she doesn't really need the little doohickey. She's svelte enough. Haha, I hope she reads this! She'd be flattered!! No wait. Then she'd get to read the rest of my mindless, sometimes rather offensive, babble. Um, on second thoughts, mummy stays out of this. :P Siah: *blanches for a moment* Oh yeah, I owe you a girly pic, don't I? Sorry, I haven't even had time to doodle lately, but I will get round to it. Scout's honour! :P *slips back into slight melancholy* love? alas, tis too rough too rude to boisterous and it pricks like thorn if love be rough with you be rough with love prick love for pricking and beat love down... Viv wished for the moon @ 6:12 AM Tuesday, May 28, 2002 Performance Night #2. It was...alright. I guess perhaps we got complacent; our act one fouled up a little at least according to us actors because the guy forgot his lines, half a page's worth of them, and skipped on to a later bit, which completely threw the rest of our cues and timings off for at least the next 10 minutes. This resulted in funny pauses on stage where nothing seemed to be happening; even after we managed to veer everything back on track we were slightly frazzled and tense already, and our acting didn't seem as focussed as it had been on the previous night. During intermission we were extremely tense and rather angry at ourselves for letting it affect us, but the director came in to assure us that the audience noticed nothing, and to make it a good second half performance. Which it was; I think our act 2 on the second night was better than on the first. On the whole though, we all felt that because of the good start we had on the first performance night, ultimately we put up a better show on Saturday.To celebrate that Sunday, the cast, save one girl who wasn't feeling too well, trooped down to Holland Village, and stayed at Swenson's till closing time at 2am. We just ate, talked, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company as we slowly drifted off into lala land, with a source of entertainment stemming from watching a nearby couple (hey, who can avoid being a voyeur in the wee hours of the morning?) in a rather conspicuous booth start getting with each other. And doing strange things with their mouths and a sugared cherry. But anyway. I digress. How can I describe it? A strange jubilance and melancholy co-existed with us in that moment. I realized how much I loved these people, loved the experience of such a production different from anything I'd ever done in my life. When everything was over that last night though, I felt so empty. There was no other word for it; it was like a breakup in a relationship. Suddenly the actors I've worked so much alongside with, spent weeks cheek to jowl with, gotten to know so well, are no longer my fellow thespians. True, we are friends, and can always go out, but it won't be the same anymore. The relationship would've changed. This is especially so where the actor who played my husband is concerned; we've become quite comfortable with each other over this short time, and I wonder how much of that will change now that this is all over. We try to laugh about it, that we're divorced now, but it's quite a hollow joke. I know he misses production, and vice versa. We're both just wondering how long we're gonna be hung up over it. Where do we go from here? That's my only question... And then the set went down yesterday. In 3 hours, what took a week to build was demolished, and along with it a part of us died a little. The familiar furniture, the flats, the props...were all gone in one morning, and when we left the theatre for the last time, it was silent and empty, bearing no trace of us ever having been there. Understandably the stage manager cried a little, and the day's activities were rather quiet for everyone. That's how we ended up going to watch Episode 2; we all wanted some mindless entertainment to get our minds off that morning. Mindless was right. Good? Not so...I have nothing much to say about the flick. It was mediocre, really. Not living up to the beauty of the originals. It's pretty enough, with as much eye candy as your average sci-fi freak could want, but after a while you start hankering for a little more than just endless starfights and explosions. A bit of a story would be nice, yes. Not endless politicking within the stupid senate, or cheesy thrown-in-for-the-hell-of-it romance, but a REAL PLOT with some nice warm sympathetic characters. Hayden Christanssen has as much expression as a piece of boiled cabbage. In fact, I think even boiled cabage has more expression. It shrivels up the more you soak it, at least. 0_o Das all I'll say on the matter. Bleh. Went for class Chalet after that in the evening, but I was so tired I left after a couple of hours only. According to the traditions and pet favourites of our class, mahjong and Bridge and barbeque were the main items on the agenda once more. Only a very small group were there; I really hope more come down this evening, for the senior's dinner session. Humanz party is supposed to be the unofficial highlight of the Humanities student's calendar, but obviously it's not been very well organized this year. Who wants to bet we little juniors are gonna get clobbered by generations of seniors after this? *cringe* :P Well so much for taking time off to organize my life today; I woke up at 10 this morning after getting some much needed rest, then went out to town with mummy, and we galavanted till at least 4. Now look! I'm blogging while I should be filing, or playing the piano, or something productive of that variety. But it's the holidays!!!!! Sweet glorious holidays!!! At any rate, my family and I will be vacationing in California from this Thursday on, and I haven 't packed yet either. Of course I'm excited! Disneyland again. Woohoo! Ya never get too old for Disneyland; my parents nearly wanted to give it a miss, but I guess I must've whined enough for them to relent. We'll prolly be making a trip down to Disney's California Adventure as well; I want to see if it's really as terrible as I've seen some online discussion boards make it out to be. Hmm... Filing calls. Viv wished for the moon @ 5:25 AM Treason At Sea ::dCTalk:: I am solo in this world of water Only the tip of a sunrise visible Like the morning light in a little girl’s eyes I crave this freedom I find it only in this little ship Just my soul and this bread and butter I am comfortable But there is a treason at sea Is it me? It is a wonder, supernatural cover of war The dark ones who eternal in damnation grow Set about me now How they whine and crow I am solo In this world of wet And bitter is my temperament I close the door to sentiment And I relish all my youth I realize that I am doomed Fear of love and fear of you But you give me the keys to paradise It is you who sympathize You and your perfection grow I am cradled in your ocean’s throw I crave your freedom in this little ship For you alone can chart my trip And like these waves I lose my grip And I sink into your arms Viv wished for the moon @ 4:55 AM Monday, May 27, 2002 Alvin: Glad to hear that Patchwork went well. :) Was with you guys in spirit! :) I know the exact feeling of mixed-ness that everything's over. I'm feeling it too with my drama. At least there's the holidays to get over it! Hope you have a good break. Congrats once again!Ngaaah. Have stomach cramps. Feel rather lethargic, mildly depressed. Need sleep. Need one more performance. Just one more... ... is that too much to ask? On the upside. Saw Episode 2. Woohoo. Am too pooped to think straight. I'd better go, before I let fly something stupid. Goodnight, ladies and gentlemen, girls and monkeys. Viv wished for the moon @ 11:04 AM Saturday, May 25, 2002 *hugs*'ve grown so much, and it's a sad yet happy thing...I really hope things turn out alright for you in the end. You're a strong character deep down inside, although circumstances may have caused you to at least lose the facade of it. But nothing can change what you really are inside. Keep your head held high, babe. :) *hug* Viv wished for the moon @ 9:30 PMMy brother found a nifty new mp3 site, and he's been downloading music really fast before the law catches up with this site and shuts it down. I'd follow suit and find my favourite songs too, if only I knew how to operate this damn server. Darren Hayes is soooo sexy!! Ahhhh !!! Tis the season to be quizzy, fa la la la la la la la la.... ![]() which Episode II character are you? Probably the greatest Jedi Knight of all. Like Obi Wan, you are wise and keep your feet on the ground at all times. You will not be outsmarted by anyone. You are always faithful to your friends. Be careful though, danger lurks around every corner - you could even be betrayed by those closest to you. Quizzy quizzy quizzy!!!! Hahaha!
Viv wished for the moon @ 9:24 PM Back from the Dead. I offer no apologies for the hiatus. I had rehearsals till really late the entire week; the night before I stayed in the auditorium till 11pm. Beat that! By the time I get home every night, the only things I have energy left to do are stuff a bun into my mouth, chew, swallow, take a shower and crawl into bed. But hey... LAST NIGHT IT SOOOOOO PAID OFF!!!!!!! Oh yeah! I'm still really psyched up about it. It was our debut night, and we had butterflies in our stomachs and all that, but we went out there and kicked some major pseudo-British ass! Granted, that guy still forgot and paraphrased 75% of his lines, but at least he kept going. Everything went smoothly; there was even an ad lib that occured that was by far one of the best things we'd ever done with the play. It was part of this scene where this character was supposed to turn his back to the audience to try to open a bottle of wine stuck between his legs. I guess you can imagine how disgusting it looks from the audience's point of view. *_* But anyhoo, in the original plan the wine bottle was supposed to just open quietly in the end, with no fuss. Unfortunately, for our production we used sparkling wine, which has this tendency to shoot out of the bottle after the cork is opened. Which is precisely what happened! My was soooo shocking and so convincingly disgusting! Imagine seeing a scenario as stated above, and then all of a sudden an upward shower of God-knows-what exploding from what seems to be this guy's *ahem*. Then I said: "Well done. I could never do that!" He replied: "Oh no, well I do it all the time." Cue thunderous wolf whistles from audience. Goaaall!!! ^_ ^ Hit #2: Everyone said the actor playing my husband and I had the most chemistry. Wheeeee!!!! ^_^ All my fears are gone now. I just thank God that things turned out better than I'd ever expected. It was nice that we were playing to a home crowd audience tonight, that is mainly those from our college. Tonight what I like to term the 'Combined School's Contingent' will be coming down; most of our ticket sales for Sunday were for students from other JCs and Secondary Schools. I'm hoping that they'll be a warmer livelier audience than even last night; Hwa Chong crowds do have a bit of a reputation for being sedate. But if even then they could respond to heartily to some of the jokes, I have faith that tonight's performance will be excellently received as well. For those of you who aren't going, shame on you! Bleh! Can't beat my parents though; they went last night, and felt it was so good they want tickets for tonight as well. Wow! The producers eyes must've popped when I messaged them for extra tickets. ^_^ One more night, and then everything is over. Gives a weird bittersweet feeling of contentment and melancholy. I can't pretend that I won't miss rehearsals, all the hard work, even the late nights...I'll miss all of that. I mean, everything just culminates on production day. You feel the triumph of a job well done, and yet there's an emptiness and a regret. You just want to perform one more night. Just one more. Because it's such a thrill, a rush, and so enjoyably fun. But hey, I'll live for the moment. Focus on tonight. Then it's PARTAY!!! Post-production-on-the-spur-of-the-moment celebration in Holland Village or in town. :) Siah: I was just thinking to myself that if I were given a blank piece of paper and asked to draw, what the heck would I do? Heehee. Never a problem with me...:P You could just leave it blank, hand it in, and call it 'Life in a Vacuum Cleaner'. Or just splodge paint on it, give it a metaphysical name like "Dead Cabbage" or something, and leave viewers to ponder on its deeper meaning, significance and relevance to their lives. There are truckloads of artists who get away with that. :P Going out with the cast this afternoon to buy gifts for the directors and producers. Should be fun! Right now? Bumming at of family at church...heh. I slept in today. Breakfast calls. Toodles! The theatre awaits... Viv wished for the moon @ 9:07 PM Monday, May 20, 2002 "Why, Jack is simply a infamous notoriety for John!" -- The Importance of Being EarnestSiah: Jack is an abbreviated form of the name John, that's all. It's the casual form, much like how 'Billy' is short for 'William'. I guess it's so often used because it's so common. It represents the everyday man, going about his business. That's Jack. On a tangent: I used to like that name. I thought it sounded pretty cute, until I did Lord of the Flies for literature and discovered what a swine the character Jack is. *_* Oh, well. I'm so bored! Our Geography teacher went back home to England, so I have no lessons right now. Rehearsals are at 2 15 today, and about half the class left for set-painting at 1pm. The rest are at history class, or hiding away studying somewhere. I have 45 minutes to kill. So what do I do? I don't study, though I intended to. Argh! Here I am, slacking my ass of and BLOGGING!!! BLOGGING!! Of all the time-grinding things to do! BLOGGING!! *calms down* Might as well I guess. It's theraputic at least. Just move my fingers across the keyboard, switch my mind off and stare off into space (well, the backboard of the computer cubicle) like a cow. I hate leaving these things incomplete, but I gotta run-- have to manually relay a message to someone who conveniently forgot to leave his handphone on, and is in the classroom three floors down. *grumble* Au Revoir, my darlings! Viv wished for the moon @ 1:40 AM Sunday, May 19, 2002 Lalala! Vivienne's going bananas now. And her toes itch. Itchy itchy itchy!!!! Hahaha...*dances off*Viv wished for the moon @ 4:41 AM I love children's bookstores. They are just so nice to wander into and browse; some of the best storytelling I've ever seen comes from such books. It's an art really, being able to write for children stories that are intelligent as they are amusing. And the pictures! Of course...that's what makes a good children's book. There are children's books and there are childrens books, I guess; there are the ones by down-and-out authors who want to make a quick buck being ghostwriters for a huge publishing house, scribbling lousy little stories about Tappy the Tortoise. And then there are the beautifully crafted tales of warmth and heart, filled with lush, inventive illustrations that are works of art in themselves. They are a joy to read, and give you such a great dose of nostalgia, making you feel like you're 5 again, with not a care in the whole wide world. In a way I guess they appeal to me because I love comics too. After all, if graphic novels are comic books too, what's to stop a children's book from being the same? And therefore I dig both. Lovah-ly, ain't it? I could go on for a long time on this thread, but at the risk of boring you, dear reader, I shall desist. Viv wished for the moon @ 4:36 AM Saturday, May 18, 2002 What's 'insanity' in 5 words or less? (3 marks)Ans: SAT Diagnostics, is bloody wot! The 3 hours were excruciating! Granted, the test was pretty manageable, but it we had only a total of 7 minutes of break, at intervals throughout. Hardly enough time to dash off to the loo and come back. And what's more, we were stuffed up in the excruciatingly stuffy LT3, with an aircon that blew warmish air all over the place. We started late too, owing to some morons who kept fussing about their question booklets, or coming in late and not settling down. 9_9 I was one of the first out the door, to scramble for rehearsals. It was pretty nice today...we hunkered down in the air-conditioned, cosy Humanities staff room to have lunch while showing our costumes to the costume crew, and my mom stopped by with leftover pastries (mmm...tasties like apple crumble and cheesecake!), which we nibbled as we watched a professionally done version of the play we're doing, so it was quite a jolly affair. :) But then lethargy set in when we went into rehearsal proper. Energy down. But the director says it's now fit to put up in the theatre. Hurrah! :) :) :) Went to town after that with my castmates, to stone for a while. I just noticed how abused and badly in need of therapy Ronald McDonald is. You know the park bench they put outside most McDonald's outlets, with the plastic life-size Ronald McDonald sitting on it, grinning away like nobody's business? I counted at least 3 people in less than half an hour who sat right next to him and casually put their hand on his thigh. One guy even put his hand right into his lap. Eewwww...well call me Freudian and stuff a banana up my nose, but it's sick!! The poor fool will need massive amounts of therapy to get through this. That's a clown's life, I suppose. 0_o And there was this other guy who stood stock still next to the statue of Colonel Sanders outside KFC for at least 20 minutes, with a huge smirk plastered on his face. We speculated that he might perhaps be gay, or crazy, or both, but his wife and child showed up soon after and he left with them. Evidently, he's the indulgent father trying to amuse his family. Oh well. Das what we bored drama people get for having too much time on our widdle hands. Yay! We're gonna try and make it a date to go see Ep2 next week; we end school early for intense rehearsals, tech and full-dress runs. This should be fun. In the this very moment...some of the cast members (the lot I went to town with) are having dinner, before going for a drama performance at the Drama Centre -- the last before the theatre closes down for good. *snif* I wanted to go too, but I didn't have enough for a ticket. See? This is the reason behind the slow growth of the arts scene in Singapore! It's because of myriad poor sods like me who aren't cash strapped enough to afford even the cheapest seats in the house! Hell, I don't think I even have enough to afford to hang off the light fixtures to watch the show. The ambulance fees that would result after I tumble down from there would pretty much nix any chance of having any more allowance for a very long time. And no, being strapped into a wheelchair for ten years does not contribute to this timeframe. So much for financial woes. Trigonometery calls, and so does a shower. I need one. *Stretches* The weather these days is diabolical. Humid and warm and it refuses to rain! If it were a person it'd be a bloody bitch. Viv wished for the moon @ 7:01 AM Friday, May 17, 2002 On ze upside. Got ABBB for my semester report, a grade 1 for General Paper and (eh heh...) a grade 6 for Chinese. Expected really. My A was for Econs, which really isn't surprising; almost the whole class got A for that. And B for Literature! Noooo! It seems to be the standard grade for all of us, which we don't quite understand since some of us did pretty well. I'm guessing it might've been that little fill-in-the-blank John Donne test that hardly anyone studied for, and subsequently hardly anyone passed. But c'mon, I thought it was a completely insignificant test!! The real surprise is geography though; I've been hovering around borderline passes the past 5 months for every single test we've had, and there's hardly a single lesson of geography where I haven't fallen asleep at one point in time or another. If I'm not asleep, I'm usually studying something else or daydreaming. And i still got a B. H'mm. A charmed existence. Nobody got grades spelling amusing words on their reports, like BOOB, BOBO, DODO, BODO, FOOD or DEAD. It's funny stuff as long as it's not your report card, really.Hmm. Just wondering, what term report looks better? ABCA, or ABBB? *ponders* more As, or a more all-rounded performance? I don't know. My Chinese kinda messes up my record for me every year. 0_o Looks like to MC college day I better go spend some intensive Chinese sessions with the Chinese teacher. I need it in order not make a fool of myself in front of the student body and board of directors, who prolly more know more Chinese idioms than I know English ones. Why can't we all learn Sanskrit? Viv wished for the moon @ 10:29 AM I guess I better go get some work done or something, fill in a couple of nomination forms for ELDDFS exco elections and Arts Faculty committee. But I'm so bored! I watched Samurai Jack for the first time today. Hilarious stuff, really. Pseudo Asian and all. But still a nice change from the garish colours of Dexter's Lab and PPG. I missed The Little Mermaid II on Disney though. Perhaps I'll catch the rerun tonight. *_* I might be regressing... Regina: Join the club! I HATE FUNCTIONS!!!! >:( 3 words: Math sucks. (no typo there) Jia Min: "And you thought this didn't happen in RJ. Well get this straight. RJ has one of the worst discipline records out of the top few JCs. Makes me wanna go to HCJC or something." Hey! We're not all that communist, you know. We like, have elections and things for student council. Some democracy stuff. Though the system is still highly nepotic, but I'm quite alright with that. I'm quite fond of cronyism, really. :P Viv wished for the moon @ 10:09 AM And now it's time to play That Quiz Game!
![]() You are 10% evil! [?] That's right! You're the meekest of the meek! You're the least amount evil! The philosophy in ying and yang is that no one person can be completely good or completely evil, but you're pretty close to complete, goodie-two-shoes! I refuse to believe I am so mild. I'm a rebel! Yah! *runs around throwing wellies at windowpanes* Somebody stop me right about now. Live and learn. At least I know I'm very firmly hetero. Or at least there's a 9 in 10 chance that I am. 90%. 0.9 probability. You get the idea. Mrarw? Maan. 9_9 This ranks as one of the most inane quiz sites I've ever seen. What the...? Oh well. Muah! Viv wished for the moon @ 10:04 AM Have you ever tried scanning your face into the computer? Bloody fun stuff. I should go upload the pictures of that experience. Radiation gets me high, baby. In my defence, I was 15. I was young and horribly stupid. Wait a minute, I'm still young, and still horribly stupid. Woohoo! Viv wished for the moon @ 9:49 AM Being the One is like Being in Love. Phew! I set an all time record, for the longest time period in which I didn't blog. 6 days! And that was long enough for me to get both Siah and Alvin on my tail. ^^;; You boys win this round! I can't believe it...for once I really claim the excuse that I was too busy to go online. The whole week has been shuttling between rehearsals and studying for tests, so much so that even looking at the computer in the evening was enough to get me guilty that I wasn't dealing with all the work I should be. But I didn't manage to study much anyhoo; usually after coming home I'd just take a bath, mooch around my room for 15 minutes and go to sleep. What a life! Thank goodness it's almost the end of term. I think I need the break. But I'm not saying I'm not having fun. Rehearsals are coming along really well now; we're on an upward curve, and that guy has finally caught up with his lines! :) Granted, prompting him has become one of our rituals, but he has really come along. Thank God. Now, looks like we'll have to improve further! But I'm really psyched now. An audience fuels me on, spurs me on to perform. I feed off their enthusiasm and laughter and attention. So I'm narcissistic. Sue me. At least I'm honest about it! 0_o Oh no...I have still yet to see Spiderman. And to add to that, there's Star Wars Ep2 and soon, Scooby Doo and Lilo & Stitch (the Disney fare I can never bear to pass up.). I envy anyone who's already gone to see SW...and I caught Episode 1 on TV the other day. It's not that bad, really. It kinda grows on you, admittedly; I still harbour very ill will toward Jar Jar Binks, and still find Jake Lloyd far too whitebread American to really fit what I envision Anakin to be, but it's an alright film. I guess just in terms of how it lives up to the reputations of its predecessors, it fails. But dammit, Amidala's hairstyles are so damn funky! I guess it's low gravity on Naboo, huh? Princess Leia's mother-of-all-bagel-buns-that-masquerade-as-hair-knots just seem to be immortal. *snicker* Something intelligent to say...let's see...hmm...well I read George Orwell's 1984 the other day. Not bad stuff, the first book I've read in a long time, apart from my literature texts. It's pretty heavygoing, with generous doses of philosophy and ideas of government, with a lashing of Hobbesian theory (y'know, that 'un that states that man is uncontrollable, and accepts any form of government in order to keep his impulses under control.). I don't think I'll leak out anymore of the plot or nuffink, but I can say I was so tempted to take out a pencil to jot down notes in the margins, a la a lit text. It's that complex! Or maybe I've just not been reading enough. Doesn't it show? 0_o Next up? Jude the Obscure, by Thomas Hardy. I bought that book and 1984 at a school book sale. We got a S$15 subsidy, which I milked for almost all it was worth in buying those two. I'm a rotten cheapskate, I is. The guys in Humanz are an awful bunch of chauvinists. I think they know that. Puh. Alpha males, testosterone junkies, football and push-up pushovers all. Playing cards in the LT while we ladies slogged our butts off trying to clean it up. How typical. 9_9 The Cult of Domesticity rears its head once more...well finally we foisted some of the cleaning off to them, and had a nice Bridge game of our own. Not like there's much utility to be derived from that. Just some form of compensation was desired. Retribution! Justice, I say! Pip pip! Nah. They're a decent bunch, if they're not stinking up the classroom, insulting the girls or trying to chokeslam each other. :P Aww, c'mon, grow up, ya monkeys! SAT Diagnostic test tomorrow. I wonder what to expect. 3 whole hours! I wonder if I'll live to remember this. I think this is all going to come back to haunt me. I'm on a roll now! I think I shall go back to regular blogging; there's always so much to say. In the meantime, gotta catch up on my blog schmoozing. There's so much people have written that I haven't seen. Darn you regular denizens of the internet! May you have little semblance of a social life, like I do. Bah! :P Viv wished for the moon @ 9:47 AM Sunday, May 12, 2002 I'm alive! Wish I could sit down and blog properly. It's highly disconcerting to keep having to type in spurts, in intervals of a few days. And oh yeah, Happy Mother's Day!Anyhoo looky. Song lyrics. Woohoo! A chart topping hit, but nonetheless one of my favourite songs. Almost always gets those tear ducts busy. :P One Sweet Day ::Mariah Carey:: Sorry I never told you All I wanted to say And now it's too late to hold you 'Cause you've flown away So far away Never had I imagined Living without your smile Feeling and knowing you hear me It keeps me alive Alive And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven Like so many friends we've lost along the way And I know eventually we'll be together One sweet day Darling, I never showed you Assumed you'd always be there I took your presence for granted But I always cared And I miss the love we shared And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven Like so many friends we've lost along the way And I know eventually we'll be together One sweet day Although the sun will never shine the same I'll always look to a brighter day Lord I know when I lay me down to sleep You will always listen as I pray And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven Like so many friends we've lost along the way And I know eventually we'll be together One sweet day And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven Like so many friends we've lost along the way And I know eventually we'll be together One sweet day Sorry I never told you All I wanted to say... Viv wished for the moon @ 3:37 AM Friday, May 10, 2002 Bloody hell. Stupid device. Viv wished for the moon @ 10:27 AMSTUPID BLOGGER! Viv wished for the moon @ 10:26 AM Damn Blogger eradicated another one of my posts. Die, Blogger. Die. *highly annoyed* This I don't need. Viv wished for the moon @ 10:25 AM Wednesday, May 08, 2002 Why has everyone seen Spiderman already? My whole life is on hold till the curtains close on the last night of performance; even then I'm waiting to go with my parents, I'll get a free ticket that way. Hee. Same goes for EP2!!! Ahhhh!!!!!! Viv wished for the moon @ 9:16 AMSiah: Tough...well we all know how lousy exams are at determining how good you are...take it easy, you'll have plenty of other exams to sit for! If that's really anything to be cheerful about...:P But in any case, "What they probably deserve is to spend a night with Marilyn Manson." Nobody deserves a fate so cruel!! *horrified* Nah...I think Manson'd already have a jolly good time on his own. Trust me on that. Yuck. XP ** ![]() target="new">Which Street Fighter are you? Test by Nathan Cool. I never even knew she existed. Looks an awful lot like Princess Kida from Atlantis. Groovay! ** Anyhoo, rehearsals are looking up! We may not be word perfect, but I can feel us improving in terms of characterization and chemistry, and expression. I now have to come up with a 100 word autobiography for the programme booklet. Hmm. What to say? I'm mysterious, dark, stunning and mushroom shaped? This needs some thought. Should I share about my previous stage experiences? Like playing a waitress or a palm tree branch holder, way back in Sec3 and Kindergarten respectively? *muses* Blarg. Me bored...but I guess I must keep blogging, to keep my momentum up. Once you stop writing on blog, it's pretty hard to start again. But there's not much to report today. All quiet on the Central front, y'all. Then again, blogging is simply making a big ado about nothing much in particular, isn't it? Haahaa...Singapore's version of Wheel-of-Fortune is pathetic! The wheel is tiny, and 'Vanna White' is cavorting around in a tank top. And LOCAL STREET NAME is the category! Really, I think the only reason why any of us tune in to watch local TV programmes is to see how bad they can possibly be. *Snicker* Ah well. Hopefully it should grow on us and we'll grow to love it, the way bunions do on your foot. *_* Viv wished for the moon @ 9:12 AM Monday, May 06, 2002 ![]() Which LOTR Woman are you? Highs and Lows. The first part of my physical fitness test is over! The five items are over with, but the big tamale remains: The 2.4 km run. Striking fear in the hearts of many good men and women. But nonetheless...well that's next week. I have 6 days to get all my freaking out done, and 15 minutes to actually complete the ordeal. After which I will be a very happy person. I shall return to my sedentary lifestyle and sleep like the dead. The school stairs are jinxed! Either that, or I am. I fell down again on the same staircase while going down for PE, but luckily only ended up with a scrape-cum-puffyish bruise on my arm. Bleh. Oh well. That's a boring bit of news, isn't it? I watched a documentary on tapeworms and other such pesty vermin on the Discovery Channel on Sunday. They all look like recognizable foods, unfortunately. Especially the flatworm; it kinda looked like the fishball noodles I had for dinner the night before. And while having dinner of noodle soup with egg last night, I noticed how the yolk mixed about in the gooey white bit and the soup resembled the contents of my tissue after blowing my nose into it. What that has to do with anything I'm not quite sure. I'm just trying to gross you out, because I'm mean and nasty and wicked and perverse. I used to walk around my primary school class with pencils stuffed up my nose in an attempt to disgust my classmates. What c'n I say? *shrugs* Hey. At least I'm not at the stage where I get my kicks from freezing and flicking my snot. Yet. Hmm, das a new one to try. Stay tuned, if your constitution permits. Viv wished for the moon @ 3:22 AM Saturday, May 04, 2002 Enough song lyrics!! Ok...I'll give it a break for now. But there's just no other way to express what's going through my mind other than with they lyrics of a song. wise is it to bare your entire soul to the world? Granted, I'm blogging, for goodness' sake, with the understanding that the whole world has access to my life, in a way, but even within that there are boundaries that are wise not to cross. Ironically I think people are more open and honest on the Internet, to strangers they never know of, than they are vis a vis, face to face with real people that they may love and care about. Hackneyed musings, aren't they? Right, I'll give it up. But that's life, babe.Dinner calls. Goody. Goodnight, loving world. Viv wished for the moon @ 8:03 AM *falls over laughing* Go to the main site and check out the rest -- these are hilarous though!! Someone needs a hearing aid. Viv wished for the moon @ 7:56 AM Not only is the flu bug going round; lovesickness seems to be doing the same. Good thing I got vaccinated. *_* My blogging is pretty pathetic now; if I'm not being boring, I'm cryptic. Jolly good. Viv wished for the moon @ 7:48 AM Regina: What would Vivienne do? Heh...well you know her. She's too thick-skinned to really mind her audience -- unless it's one she knows absolutely can't stand her. Other than that, she's got a mouth like a faucet. You should know. :P Flu bug going round. I've fallen victim. :( I ended up bringing a huge tumbler of warm water to school for rehearsals -- the kind that sportspeople drink from after getting all tired and sweaty, one of those plastic heavy-duty Igloo affairs. Finished almost all the water; made approximately 2 toilet trips per hour. Gah! My throat is still dodgy, and my nose blocked; so are my ears, for that matter. It makes me half deaf, and gives me a bit of a headache. Oh well. But on the plus side, today's rehearsals were better than the last. At least we can see considerable improvement in timing, pace and action -- though that dude learnt the lines for the wrong scene, and when it came the scene that he was supposed to have learnt well, he still missed his cues, lines and such. Though you may not know me personally, if you read this, just say a prayer for us, OK? It'd be great if ya could. And all the more so, pray for us if you do know me!! :) Hurrah! Ticket sales in RGS for our performance were pretty good on Friday, when we went down. We got 44 tickets snapped up; beating, among other schools, RI, TCHS, NYGH, and ACJC, which each averaged around 11 tickets; we were only beaten by RJC, with sales of 50-ish. Now, if there's one thing to be said about Rafflesians, they know a good thing when they see it! Now I only hope all of us can live up to the expectations set by the high calibre of previous years' HCJC Drama Nights... Anyhoo I hardly had any lessons on Friday as a result of going back to me Alma Mater, so ended up going home after College Day MC auditions, where unfortunately, I will be required to speak CHINESE if I get in. I don't call Chinese the bane of my life for no reason -- I am scarred for life because since time immemorial, people have always laughed whenever I speak the language. *sob* Not too heartening -- me no likee. :( Can ya blame me?? The teacher in charge said that I will have to practice doubly hard with the Chinese teacher to work on my Mandarin if I get through the audition. I suppose I could do that. Worse come to worse, I'll just learn it phonetically. After all, that's how Michelle Yeoh learned how to speak Mandarin in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. And she didn't sound too bad, did she? Right? Damn, I hope not. Tired out now. After rehearsals today I bummed at Coronation Plaza with cast members; we ended up stoning at Cozy Corner for at least an hour, earning (and ignoring) the doleful glares of the owners. An early rest is in order, though I have the sneaking suspicion there may just be something I've forgotten to do. Or I should go and draw -- I can't afford to keep slacking off from it. Consistency is a virtue!! Gah! Physical Fitness test for real on Monday. How stinky. :( :( :( Viv wished for the moon @ 7:44 AM Thursday, May 02, 2002 Bright Eyes::Art Garfunkel:: Is it a kind of dream, floating out on the tide Following the river of death downstream, oh, is it a dream? There's a fog along the horizon, a strange glow in the sky And nobody seems to know where you go, and what does it mean Oh, oh, is it a dream? Bright eyes, burning like fire Bright eyes, how can you close and fail ? How can the light that burned so brightly Suddenly burn so pale? Bright eyes Is it a kind of shadow, reaching into the night, Wandering over the hills unseen, or is it a dream? There's a high wind in the trees, a cold sound in the air, And nobody ever knows where you go, and where do you start, Oh, oh, into the dark Bright eyes, burning like fire Bright eyes, how can you close and fail ? How can the light that burned so brightly Suddenly burn so pale? Bright eyes Viv wished for the moon @ 6:04 AM Drowning in an endless sea of light down down sink into a bright pool of incense Give up my spirit soul voice and I'm intoxicated saturated infatuated down and down and down Sweet mercury oil wash over you melt and reform By the chemistry of a bath of light pyre light, pure light. Down Renew, reborn! Amber Ichor on a jewel youngling, Rebelliously crying for strands of silver. Down Sink, drown. And Breathe Breathe Viv wished for the moon @ 3:32 AM Yuck. Ok, I'm getting soppy. Argh. I'm outta here. Don't I have, like, stuff to do? Viv wished for the moon @ 3:19 AM Sometimes I'm just overcome with the desire just to love. Have someone to love, and be loved back. But on this basis just isn't enough. That much I know, in my head. But it can't stop me from wishing, though I've made promises to myself; one of those JC-'Celibacy' Vow things (by celibacy, I don't mean staying off like, sex, but just not getting into a relationship. Just to clarify, monkey boys and girls.). I know a few people who made the same promise to themselves as well, and now they're all paired off. Hunh. *_* But hey, I'm still kickin', I'm still a swinging single, baby. A good ol' dose of homegrown sanity and rationality should suffice to keep my pheromones relatively managable until I reach University at least. End of the day though, deep deep under...ya can't stop a girl from dreaming. Viv wished for the moon @ 3:18 AM George Lucas is a BABE. And Star Wars kicks balls, baby. KICKS BALLS. Hell yeah. *can't wait for EP2* Viv wished for the moon @ 3:02 AM How put together am I? . How do I come across to you? Do I intimidate, or charm? Do I inspire contempt and pity, or respect and warmth? . How strong do I seem to you? Do you think I'm invincible? Mercurial, or earthy? Or volatile and sullen? . How well do I hide my feelings from you? Or do I wear my heart on my sleeve? . . . The Greatest thing you'll ever learn Is to love and be loved in return . . . Viv wished for the moon @ 3:00 AM Regina: Yay! :) Glad ta hear things are looking up. :) Oh dear. Rehearsals are NOT going alright. We're really behind schedule, in terms of how much work needs to be done. We have lines we haven't memorized yet, and we haven't done much work on the last scene, and according to Mr Perry, we haven't even started really acting yet, owing to us still scrambling for lines, or tripping over sets, or generally screwing it up. I think after this I should go memorize lines. Hopefully, we'll have them firm by Saturday. I just feel so helpless when I watch one of my fellow cast members rehearse -- he's not bad, but he can't get his lines memorized...nor can he ever remember anything about stage direction that's been told to him before, unless you drill it into him every single round you rehearse. And it's hard to tell him, it all seems to bounce off. I guess the only thing left to do is pray, really. Pray really, really, hard. Viv wished for the moon @ 2:51 AM |
![]() Thing of the day
![]() Head in the clouds Vivienne Wong was hatched on the 12th of June 1985 and hails from Singapore, which contrary to popular belief, is not a colony of Japan. Formerly of Raffles Girls' Primary and Secondary School and then of Hwa Chong Junior College's Humanities Scheme, she is currently readjusting herself to the finer points of academia (read: she hasn't studied in ages and is really overworked) in her 2nd year at Nanyang Technological University Communication Studies. However she is currently spending the semester on the snowy plains of Ithaca College, New York, and lovin' it. Otherwise, she likes talking about herself in the third person, drawing, acting, comics, watching cartoons, eating Italian food, light rock, Irish music, Broadway tunes, acoustic guitar riffs, drawing some more and singing loudly in the bathroom. On the other hand, she dislikes unmotivated people, afternoon naps, the conventional, and people who are either smelly or wearing clothes too tight for them so that they end up bulging. Contactable here.